In Issue 12 of Kolaj Magazine, Ric Kasini Kadour reviewed Monster Trust: Collaborative Collage in the Early Twenty-teens, an artist book collaboration between Mister Koppa and nine North American collage artists. Mister Koppa’s collaborators were: Nikki Soppelsa, Susan Ringler, Kat Silver, Cory Peeke, Laura Collins, Travis Medford, Jesse Treece, Zach Collins, and Tracy Jager. The book concludes with a short essay by Mister Koppa.
From Kadour’s review:
“Quickly, I thought of nine other collage artists whose work I had appreciated, and asked them if they would like to get involved. All agreed. Each of the nine panels was sent around the country to be worked on by another artist, with instructions to send to Zach (Collins) upon completion.” For Koppa, this was a transformational act of faith in others to follow through: monster trust…Without being pedantic, Monster Trust reads like a testimony to the collaborative ethic that permeates collage culture today. Koppa shares his fears and experience and the results of his foray into these types of creative relationships.
This review appeared in Issue Twelve of Kolaj Magazine. To read the entire review, PURCHASE ISSUE TWELVE or SUBSCRIBE.
Monster Trust: Collaborative Collage in the Early Twenty-teens
by Zach Collins, Mister Koppa, et al.
6.625”x5.125”, 40 pages, $24 USD
The Heavy Duty Press, Viroqua, Wisconsin
Available online from The Heavy Duty Press: HERE