12″x12″x1.5″; mixed media; 2024. Courtesy of the artist.
Marsha Balian: Autofiction
at Transmission Gallery in Oakland, California, USA
16 January to 1 March 2025
Mixed media artist Marsha Balian admits to difficulty following instructions (unless she really has to). She is self-taught and frequently invents her own techniques. Her work has a strong narrative quality and incorporates found objects combined with drawing, painting and collage. Since invention doesn’t require strict adherence to rules, her art avoids what might be literal and attempts to engage the imagination of the viewer. Humor is never far behind.
Of her work, Marsha Balian comments, “’Autofiction’ is a literary term describing work that blends fictional and autobiographical elements in writing. It can blur the lines between events in real life, and fictional creation.
“In my experience, there is always an element of autobiography in all works of art regardless of the form or medium, so it seemed a fitting title for this series of new work. Whether we are the midwife, or the parent pushing out a baby, what we produce comes inescapably from ourselves, from our lived experiences, our struggles, losses and joys. As Federico Fellini, the Italian film maker said: ‘All art is autobiographical; the pearl is the oyster’s autobiography’.

12″x12″x1.5″; mixed media; 2024. Courtesy of the artist
“Since expression can’t duplicate reality, the term ‘autofiction’ is a good descriptor. Our work as artists is always going to include fiction. We are obliged to make what it is that we want to be seen by the viewer. Regardless of what our work depicts, or how it is represented, we are in a sense telling the story of our selves.
“In preparing this work, I didn’t have a specific theme. My goal was to experiment and let the work tell me where it wanted to go. It may share ineffable things about me, but my hope is that the viewer can access whatever stories it conjures for them.”
(text adapted from material provided by the gallery)
Transmission Gallery
770 West Grand Avenue
Oakland, California 94612 USA
Thursday-Saturday, Noon-5PM