5.9″x3.94″; bookbinding cardboard, old magazine paper; 2024. Courtesy of the artist.
at Pinokiothek der Moderne in Munich, Germany
2-29 February 2024
“Constructions”, curated by Dunia Barrera, is a conversation between the works of Sharon Hall Shipp, Pilar Segura, Hondo Ratkovic, Adrian Till, and Dunia Barrera.

Based on the Charles and Ray Eames’ “House of Cards” (originally released in 1952), the exhibition explores collaged cards as part of a flexible construction, the interactions between images, and the meanings produced.
Through the structure, in the background, the viewer can see the works of Hondo Ratkovic and appreciate the dialogue between them.
(text adapted from material provided by the curator)
Pinokiothek der Moderne
Augustenstraße 100
80798 Munich, Germany
The exhibition is in a storefront and is viewable 24 hours a day.