3 January-2 February 2014
“Cut and Paste: The Art of 21st Century Collage and Assemblage”: Artists of Paper New England
“Cut and Paste: The Art of 21st Century Collage and Assemblage” features work by Caryn Azoff, Nancy Doherty, Jon Eastman, Anne Gilman, Jane R. Lubin, M.D., Jane Rainwater, Rashmi Talpade, Paul Theriault and Deborah Wadswort.
The art of collage has become more sophisticated since the early 20th century when artists like Braque and Picasso first used scraps of newspaper in their drawings. For this show, curator Michael Shortell has chosen a variety of works to illustrate the field of contemporary collage and assemblage and its evolution since the early 20th century. According to Mr. Shortell, he has chosen works from many areas of the genre to show “how far contemporary artists have come in technique and content from the simple newspaper cutouts of early Cubism.”
Paper New England is a non-profit venue offering the public opportunities to study and view works of art on paper produced by New England artists.
A workshop, led by “Cut and Paste” artists Rashmi Talpade, Deborah Wadswort and Jane R. Lubin, M.D., takes place at the gallery on Saturday, 1 February at 2PM. The workshop is free, but pre-registration is required. Contact the gallery for details.
(from the gallery’s press materials)
Five Points Gallery
33 Main Street
Torrington, Connecticut 06790 USA
(860) 618-7222
Thursday-Saturday, 1-5PM
Sunday, 1-3PM
by Caryn Azoff
collage on paper