11″x9″; stitched shards of porcelain and wire on wood panel; 2024. Courtesy of the artist.
Fiber Reimagined II
at Gravers Lane Gallery in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
1 August-20 September 2024
This exhibition is an ongoing in-print, online and brick-and-mortar exhibition designed to showcase new and exciting works of art using innovative and alternative materials and processes. Conceived of and juried by Fiber Art Now‘s creative team: Lori Butanis, Barbara Delaney, Beth Smith, and Cami Smith, there are no geographic boundaries as artists are challenged to interpret what constitutes “Fiber Reimagined”. The staff at Fiber Art Now are the first round judges and chose the works accepted for the in-print and online showcase. Gravers Lane Gallery approaches the selected works from the perspective of curating as a physical installation, which is a much different mindset, approaching the physicality, materiality and creative design.

20″x16″x2″; paper, fabric, thread, beads, mirrors, acrylic paint and ink on cradled wood board; 2023. Courtesy of the artist.
Eighteen artists, including both new studio artists and established artists, are included in the exhibition. In Kolaj 40, Ric Kasini Kadour reviews the exhibition, focusing on work by Delaina Doshi, Tara Thacker, Marisa Canino, and Jill Stoll.
(text adapted from material provided by the gallery)
Gravers Lane Gallery
8405 Germantown Avenue
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19118 USA
(215) 247-1603
Tuesday-Saturday, 11AM-5PM