Magic in the Making

Moon (detail) by Robert Crooks
fashion collage, mixed media and acrylic on wood; 2014. Courtesy of the artist.


Robert Crooks: Magic in the Making

at The Spectacle Group in Hong Kong
14 November-10 December 2023

“Magic in the Making” serves as a chronicle of Robert Crooks’ 2023 residency with The Spectacle Group. Prior to his residency, Crooks spent two years as the Chief Marketing and Growth Officer at a world-leading institute for expanded consciousness and spirituality.

Crooks’ spiritual quest has taken him to diverse locations, including residencies at Serenity Ridge, Virginia, and the Menri Monastery, a Tibetan Bon monastery in Himachal Pradesh, India. His time at these spiritual centers profoundly influenced his art, resulting in captivating pieces created at both locations.

Open Heart by Robert Crooks
collage and acrylic on wood; 2021. Courtesy of the artist.

“Magic in the Making” features two moving scrolls with embedded app controllers and motorization, a collection of wearable art presented on fallen tree branches, and nine captivating collage paintings. The
majority of these pieces were created during his residency in Hong Kong in 2023.

(text adapted from materials provided by the gallery)


The Spectacle Group
2/F, 2 Somerset Road
Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong

Tuesday-Friday, Noon-7PM
Saturday-Monday by appointment only