22.5″x25″; collage. Courtesy of the artist.
Paper Trails
at The Athenaeum of Philadelphia in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
6 September-26 October 2024
“Paper Trails”, presented in collaboration between Collage Philadelphia and The Athenaeum, is an exhibition that explores, expands, and complicates understandings of collage art.
Curated from an open call submission process, the exhibit features over sixty artworks, including selections by well-known Philadelphia artists Galen Gibson-Cornell, Jill Haas, and collaborators Jason Chen and Alex Eckmanlawn. Additionally, the exhibit features an array of artists from all over the globe, including Stacey Burgay of the New York Collage Ensemble, Kellette Elliot of the Pacific Northwest Collage Collective, allison anne of Twin Cities Collage, Christine Vilutis of the Chicago Collage Community, Jon Garbet from France, and Selene Pérez from Mexico.

24″x24″; collage; 2024. Courtesy of the artist.
This show kicks off Cull, Cut, Craft: The Legacy and Practice of Collage, a four-month partnership between Collage Philadelphia and The Athenaeum. During this collaboration, they will host two shows, a two-day international collage symposium, and a series of workshops. “Paper Trails” presents collage not simply as a fixed artform, but as a flexible and ever-evolving practice of familiarizing everyday imagery to radically new ends. By juxtaposing figures and objects, cityscapes and animals, abstractions and gestures, many of the works on view derive their power from the emergence of surprising visual combinations, whether chance or planned. Portraits and landscapes dissolve into dazzling geometric patterns, while film stills and commercial photographs transform, through processes of layering, superimposition, or digital manipulation, into dreamy optical illusions. Elsewhere, mixed-media paintings, the sculptural addition of found wood, and prints on handmade paper emphasize unexpected material choices.
The exhibition was curated by S. Jenx and Deanna Black.
(text adapted from materials provided by Collage Philadelphia)
The Athenaeum of Philadelphia
219 South 6th Street
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19106 USA
(215) 925-2688
Monday, 9AM-7PM
Tuesday, 9AM-5PM
Wednesday, 10AM-5PM
Thursday-Friday, 9AM-5PM
Saturday, 9AM-3PM