24″x36″; image transfer and acrylic on canvas; 2024.
The Great Indoors
at Peep Space in Tarrytown, New York, USA
4 January-8 February 2025
“The Great Indoors” is a group exhibition co-curated by Yeon Ji Yoo and Rachel Sydlowski. The exhibition considers the vaster qualities of the psyche and landscape as mirrored in their shared states of endlessness. “The Great Indoors” articulates psychic exploration as an inward journey, an ever-changing kaleidoscopic reflection of self. In this exhibition, the miasma of modernity is interpreted through strategies of beauty as a system of dismantling the depths of self and physical spaces. This collection of artists chase ghosts of past trauma back to the corners, disrupt patriarchy through inner feminine strength, and engage with post-industrial transgressions against nature through a remixing of landscape and architecture.

dimensions variable: this section 22″x15″; silkscreen on paper; 2024. Courtesy of the artist.
“The Great Indoors” invites us to bear witness to hidden landscapes of memory, myth, and imagination shaping our understanding of self and others through the interiors, landscape, and objects. This collection of furniture forms, prints, paintings, and collages presents a transformative force for change, inviting engagement with the complexities of modernity in all its beauty, complexity, and failures.
The exhibition includes work by Yeon Ji Yoo, Matthew William Robinson, Natalie Collette Wood, Rachel Sydlowski, Elizabeth Castaldo, Erin Treacy, and Krista Dragomer.
(text adapted from material provided by the curators)
Peep Space
92 Central Avenue
Tarrytown, New York 10591 USA
Saturday-Sunday, Noon-4PM