April 2013
Opening Reception: Saturday, 6 April, 1oPM-3AM
Collages: 2009-2013
V makes collages and clothing in Montreal.
He says, “I like to recreate a world with my simple taste. One philosophical question is behind my glue and my images,’ If you could recreate a world in your image, what would it look like?’ For me, every collage is a new idea, a new world, a universe.
I began making collages thanks to dada artists like Hannah Hoch and contemporary artists like Julian House. House is famous in the musical world for his album cover art. Music is a great inspiration for me. When I was younger, I discovered many bands thanks to their album covers. I like album cover styles like Bauhaus, The Cramps, Kraftwerk, or Joy Division.
When I started, my work was about the flyers I took outside, my first material. Then, I made some work with my computer, but I really prefer contact with paper and glue. I use everything: magazines, ads, flyers, paintings, posters, etc…
The whole world is inspiring for me…even a cat on a sofa.”
His show at Second Floor includes an interactive collage. If you attend the opening reception, bring some glue and participate. The finished collage will become part of the decor of the bar after the show is over.
You can see more of his work at allisconfusion.tumblr.com.
Second Floor
5169, avenue du Parc
Montreal, Quebec H2V 4G4
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Thursday-Saturday, 10PM-3AM
Berliner Chic
by V
Courtesy of the artist