Beautiful Blackbird

Beautiful Blackbird

by Ashley Bryan

Long ago, Blackbird was voted the most beautiful bird in the forest. The other birds, who were coloured red, yellow, blue, and green, were so envious that they begged Blackbird to paint their feathers with a touch of black so they could be beautiful, too. Although Blackbird warns them that true beauty comes from within, the other birds persist and soon each is given a ring of black around their neck or a dot of black on their wings–markings that detail birds to this very day.

Coretta Scott King Award-winner Ashley Bryan’s adaptation of a tale from the Ila-speaking people of Zambia resonates both with rhythm and the tale’s universal meanings: appreciating one’s heritage and discovering the beauty within. His cut-paper artwork is a joy.

In Kolaj #12, Daniel Kany wrote about Beautiful Blackbird:

As Bryan had collected bright papers found in childhood paths, paper found a path with Bryan. When he returned from the war, Bryan was accepted into Columbia University where he learned the art of bookbinding while earning a diploma in philosophy. His passion for cultural studies won him a Fulbright Scholarship which led him back to France and Germany. He was surprised to see children there learning about and performing spirituals when it was his experience that African-American children had virtually no understanding of their roots or cultural history. Together, his skills, studies, expertise and community-supporting ethic distilled themselves into Bryan’s life mission of creating children’s books.


Beautiful Blackbird
by Ashley Bryan
10.5″x9″, 40 pages
ISBN: 978-0689847-31-8
$22.99 Canada and $19.99 US
Atheneum Books for Young Readers, New York, New York, 2003


Beautiful Blackbird
by Ashley Bryan
illustration from Beautiful Blackbird
Courtesy of the Ashley Bryan Center, Islesford, Maine