The Cutout Festival is the first collage festival held in Ukraine. Organizers and collagists Anna Sagal (founder of the Kyiv Collage Collective), Katya Syta, and Olga Syta write, “The main mission of the festival is to acquaint the widest possible audience with one of the revolutionary trends in art, its history, opportunities and techniques…Generations Y and Z feel our world differently. They do not put off happiness for later, appreciate today and live it to the fullest. Collage is one of the manifestations of art of this generation in the art space. This boundless, emotional and intuitive direction quickly captures emotion and mood. Collage is a current that revolves and expands consciousness, brings us to understand the importance of being present and enjoy it, rather than postponing the contemplation of beauty. Why do you need eternity if you do not live today?” The festival, which ran from 10-28 June 2021, included the exhibition “Art Is Not Eternal” and was held simultaneously at the Kiyv History Museum, the RA Gallery, and online. Learn more at cutoutfestival.com.
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