Collage As Method


In Kolaj Magazine Issue 12, Kimberly Musial Datchuk explores how Justyna Kabala is using collage to develop a new approach to art.

Datchuk writes:

When Kabala was asked why she thinks of collage as a technique rather than a medium, she replied: “I think that through collage opposites have a chance to meet and establish new relationships. Hermetic genres of art can be overcome. Collage can build a new harmony…Interdisciplinary and cross-cultural practices encourage artists to explore different types of montage, including collage. Painting was always a very important medium in my artistic practice and my main research area. I created my first collage from a newspaper that I found near my house. I thought, ‘How can I find something unique in an ordinary newspaper?’ I discovered that abstract collages could help me think about boundaries of recognition in painting. I consider collage as a method to expand the field of painting. Thanks to the technique of collage I opened new opportunities in painting. It is a very good exercise for perception and imagination.”

This article appeared in Issue Twelve of Kolaj Magazine. To read the entire review, PURCHASE ISSUE TWELVE or SUBSCRIBE.

from the “Imaginary Collage” series
by Justyna Kabala
newspaper and black paper
Courtesy of the artist