Estallido Social Births Collage Group

El terreno monumental by marcoestuvoaqui
7.9″x7.1″; collage; 2020. Courtesy of CECOLL.


Centro de Estudios del Collage in Chile

In April 2018, Cole Collins and Freya Gowrley convened the international conference, “Collage, Montage, Assemblage: Collected and Composite Forms, 1700-Present” at the University of Edinburgh from which the Scotland-based Collage Research Network was born. In November 2019, Kolaj Magazine announced the formation of an institute “to study, document, and disseminate ideas that deepen our understanding of collage as a medium, a genre, a community, and a 21st century movement.” In Kolaj #30, we report on a new group in Chile that has followed suit.

This article appears in Kolaj #30. To read the full article, PURCHASE THE ISSUE

Sunday Collage by Mauricio Garrido
14.6″x17.3″; collage; 2014. Courtesy of CECOLL

Marco Antonio Núñez founded the Centro de Estudios del Collage (CECOLL) in early 2020, in part as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the political climate in Chile. A statement on the group’s website speaks about “Material fragility, a diverse world, the appropriation of images and constant change as bases arising from the estallido social (social outbreak) in Chile and the current pandemic create the need to trace, connect and make visible the artistic field of collage in Chile. This is how the Center for Collage Studies was born…”

This article appears in Kolaj #30. To read the full article, PURCHASE THE ISSUE

The Centro de Estudios de Collage is “a platform for research, mediation and dissemination of Chilean collage with the mission of rescuing the fragmented memory of this artistic discipline, reflecting on the work of our creators, their images and sociocultural processes.” Learn more at and on Instagram @cecoll.