4.8″x6.2″; paper collage. Courtesy of the artist.
New Online Platform Takes Shape
“When the Coronavirus pandemic began spreading earlier this year, people around the world were faced with quarantine, meaning many months of fear, hardships, and loneliness. As a creative escape, the idea of Sharp Hands began to percolate during these strange days.” And with that, collagists Kevin Sampsell and Cheryl Chudyk decided to create Sharp Hands Gallery, an online platform that uses the online exhibition format to share and promote the work of fellow collage artists. The gallery will release collections four times a year, featuring six artists debuting six new works, all of which are for sale.
This News & Notes item appears in Kolaj #30. PURCHASE THE ISSUE
Sharp Hands Gallery is planning online activities such as live talks on Zoom, demo videos, Instagram stories and more. Show #1 (Summer 2020) featured artists from Australia, Indonesia, Norway, and the United Kingdom.
Learn more at www.sharphandsgallery.com.