Stranger at the Studio Table


Architecture and Collage

In Kolaj #17, Clive Knights offers a first-person account of the relationship between architecture and collage. He writes, Throughout a life in architecture, I have always sensed and responded to the lure of collage, answering the call of a profound freedom that it offers in contrast to architecture, while figuring through my fascination in order to give it both theoretical weight and pertinence to the practice of making buildings.

This article appeared in Kolaj #17. To read the entire article, SUBSCRIBE to Kolaj Magazine or Get a Copy of the Issue.

I see collage making as Octavio Paz sees the writing of a poem; taking phenomena already laden with a meaning spawned by their existing contribution to everyday life, and re-awakening them through new configurations and alliances.


Across my years of dual practice, unanticipated commonalities have emerged that make collage perhaps the most efficacious, generative graphic means for imagining new architectures.

This article appeared in Kolaj #17. To read the entire article, SUBSCRIBE to Kolaj Magazine or Get a Copy of the Issue.

Based in Portland, Oregon, Clive Knights is a collage artist and printmaker, as well as a Professor of Architecture and the Director of the School of Architecture at Portland State University. Learn more about him at

Images by Clive Knights
Top: Weak Iconoclasm 2
Centre: Lunar Rhythm
Bottom: Sanctuary