The Seaside Fleet Goes to New York City

From The Seaside Fleet, 14th Street, NYC by JRC. Art in Odd Places official image. Courtesy of the artist


JRC’s Citywide Installation

Those who attended Kolaj Fest New Orleans in 2018 may have encountered JRC’s The Seaside Fleet, “a citywide installation made from 1000+ hand folded paper boats.” The artist explained, “It travels and changes dimensions as pieces of the fleet are added and subtracted. A collaborative project, artists and viewers will be invited to add their boats to the fleet as it makes its way through New Orleans, and around the world.” The Seaside Fleet was a perfect metaphor for Kolaj Fest New Orleans.

May 14th to 16th, 2021, The Seaside Fleet makes its way to New York City as part of the Art in Odd Places: NORMAL, a festival curated by Furusho von Puttkammer that takes place from Avenue C to the Hudson River along 14th Street in Manhattan.

This News & Notes item appears in Kolaj 32. To see the complete issue, SUBSCRIBE to Kolaj Magazine or Get a Copy of the Issue.

Boat making for The Seaside Fleet at Kolaj Fest New Orleans 2018. Photo by Danielle Cole.

“Art in Odd Places (AiOP) aims to stretch the boundaries of communication in the public realm by presenting artworks in all disciplines outside the confines of traditional public space regulations. AiOP reminds us that public spaces function as the epicenter for diverse social interactions and the unfettered exchange of ideas.”

Since 1999, JRC has installed exhibitions and installations in New York, Arizona, Louisiana and California. His The Seaside Fleet was also installed as part of SFS ArtFest 2018 in Santa Fe Springs, California. He has also managed art festivals, created solo and group performance art pieces, and executed transmedia storytelling projects. He has published ‘zines, found-sound audio collages, and regularly participates in mail art projects. JRC holds a BA in Fine Art from the State University of New York and currently resides in California. Learn more at

This News & Notes item appears in Kolaj 32. To see the complete issue, SUBSCRIBE to Kolaj Magazine or Get a Copy of the Issue.