Wrings the Newness Out of the Work


Albert Anglès Espeso
La Guàrdia dels Prats, Tarragona, Spain

Albert Anglès Espeso is a graphic designer and a visual artist from Barcelona. Espeso’s collages are mostly small format. He said, “Collage for me is not an artistic technique, but my way of seeing, of feeling and of thinking about the world. Collage is pure expression, music for the eyes: colours, textures, remains of stories that accumulate, overlap, contrast and build new stories. Collage is an automatic language with which I seek beauty and where the surprise factor is key to me.”

A portfolio of his work appears in Kolaj #23.

This artist portfolio appeared in Kolaj #23. To see more, SUBSCRIBE to Kolaj Magazine or Get a Copy of the Issue.

Primary colours are faded. The paper is aged and distressed, browned by time. His use of gauze and cardboard, the juxtapositioning of different paper weights, wrings the newness out of the work. The result of this approach is a body of collage that feels old, Schwitter-esque in its aesthetic, as if Anglès Espeso has placed his collage back in time and we are only now discovering these treasures.

This artist portfolio appeared in Kolaj #23. To see more, SUBSCRIBE to Kolaj Magazine or Get a Copy of the Issue.

See more of Albert Anglès Espeso’s collage at labertcollage.tumblr.com.

Images by Albert Anglès Espeso (top to bottom):
Austrasian Composition
Rounded Composition (4.5″x7.3″; collage with paper and pencil; 2017)
Courtesy of the artist