Call to Artists: Kolaj Magazine Artist Directory


Launched in 2013, the Kolaj Magazine Artist Directory is a tool for organizing and cataloguing artists who work in the medium of collage. Its audience includes the general public as well as independent curators, art venues, and writers.

The editorial staff of Kolaj Magazine uses the Artist Directory to select artists to feature in the publication and to select artists for various curatorial projects. Not all artists featured in the publication are in the database and there is no guarantee that listing in the database will result in being featured in the magazine.

The Artist Directory exists as a public resource for those interested in collage as a medium and is designed to put interested parties in direct contact with artists.

The cost to list in the directory is $20 US for one year.

Artists in the Artist Directory also have the opportunity to buy print ads in the Artist Directory section of each issue of Kolaj Magazine.

Visit the Kolaj Magazine Artist Directory Page HERE to learn more and sign up.