Thursday, 14 March, 7-9PM
Kolaj Magazine Meet and Greet at Press Street’s Antenna Gallery in New Orleans
Kolaj is a quarterly, printed magazine about contemporary collage published by Maison Kasini in Montreal, Quebec. “We are interested in how collage is made, how collage is exhibited, and how collages is collected. We bring together critical reviews and essays with artist profiles, event highlights, and articles on collage collecting, exhibiting, and making.” Kolaj is online at
Publisher Ric Kasini Kadour will host a meet and greet for artists, writers, curators, gallerists, and the general public who are interested in collage as a fine art medium. Kadour will speak briefly about collage as a global art medium and how Kolaj Magazine is working to document and promote collage as contemporary fine art. Collage artists are encouraged to bring a piece for informal critique and learn about how to get involved in the publication. Copies of the magazine’s Cut Out Page will be on hand for folks who want to make a collage and submit it to the magazine’s quarterly contest. Issues of the magazine will also be available.
If you would like to host a Kolaj Magazine event in your city, send an email to
Press Street’s Antenna Gallery
3718 Saint Claude Avenue
New Orleans, LA 70117 USA
(504) 298-3161
Thursday, 14 March, 7-9PM
Press Street is a New Orleans-based 501c3 literary and visual arts collective formed in 2005 to promote art and literature in the community through events, publications and arts education. Its projects include the gallery space Antenna, the annual 24 hour arts education extravaganza Draw-A-Thon, Room 220 – a blog dedicated to the literary life of New Orleans, and the publication of books which focus on the relationship between the visual and literary arts.