Karün: The 2nd Anniversary of Collage Chile
Online Exhibition in collaboration with Mujeres que cortan y pegan
through 3 February 2021
The current context of the pandemic has required us to change our behaviors and our way of working, including bonding. In the numerous attempts at changes, plans and transitions to be able to have a normal life, everything gets complicated.
But what is a normal life?
Women, in our cycles and periods, align ourselves with nature to live in harmony. The moon, the water, the sun, the earth, the flowers, the roots live in our daily lives. Learning to listen to our bodies, to allow ourselves to flourish or to remain calm while respecting the cycles can be fundamental to face the future. Understanding that we are human living within an ecosystem that asks us for collaboration and self-care is key.
Through this exhibition, 23 Chilean collagists ask us to reflect on the way we cohabitate with nature during a global pandemic.
The full exhibition can be seen online until 3 February, 2021.
Participating artists include Aguaya en Flor, Alejandra Acosta, Almendra, Bárbara Escobar, Camila Jofré, Camila Milenka, Carabelíu, Caro Stine, Catalina Donzé, Céline Reymond, Danila Lou Ilabaca, Elvira Reymond, Francisca Correa, Jacqueline Fresard, K.collage, Macarena Valdés, María Lucía Miranda, Mónica Vargas, Nea Ducci, Paloma Garling, Tamara Kramarenco, Teresita Bianchi, and Virginia Acosta.
(Text adapted from the exhibition’s press materials.)