Landviews of Commonplaces

Proportions and Table Manners (front and back) from the “Landscape Vernacular” series by Todd Bartel
24.5″x19.125″; burnished interlocking collage, nineteenth-century end pages, marbled papers, Xerographic prints on antique end pages, toner transfers on rain eroded bulletin board papers, canceled stamp and envelope remnant, pencil, antique cellophane tape, archival document repair tape, yes glue and dictionary definitions, artist-made frame; 2014. Photo by Todd Bartel. Courtesy of the artist


Landviews of Commonplaces

at Stand4 in Brooklyn, New York, USA
12 February-20 March 2021

“Landviews of Commonplaces”, curated by Jeannine Bardo, features the work of Todd Bartel, Katrina Bello, and Etty Yaniv. The gallery describes it as an exhibition that redefines the landscape of truisms.

Hawk/Hold (Sophia) (video still) by Katrina Bello
dimensions variable; looped 30-second video; 2019. Courtesy of the artist.
Video Still: Katrina Bello, Hawk / Hold (Sophia), 2019, Looped 30second video, Dims variable

Landscape is a common word, understood by most people as meaning the visible features of a countryside or land. The land we see before us. A word so commonly used in the English language that its definition often goes unchallenged. It is a given, a truism in language. I look at the land and what I am looking at is a landscape. It is what it is. Some things never change. But language does change, it is alive, it is fluid and it is steeped in the history of the people who bring it form and keep it alive. It is often the dominant language of the victors, which in turn becomes subverted by the oppressed as a form of resistance. Language, like land, is forever forming and reforming, buckling under seismic forces of change, rising and merging and traveling and transforming.

Archipelago 6 by Etty Yaniv
6″x6″; mixed media on canvas; 2020. Photo by Etty Yaniv. Courtesy of the artist.

The artists featured in “Landviews of Commonplaces” bring their artistic worldview into the language of the landscape. They refuse to postulate the tired relationship our modern world has wrought on the land that sustains us and they burrow down to find new language that addresses our emotional, psychological and physical reliance on the natural world.

(text adapted from the gallery’s press materials)


Stand4 Gallery and Community Art Center
414 78th Street
Brooklyn, New York 11209 USA

Saturday, Noon-3PM and by appointment (call (917) 842-7958)