Paul Loughney in The PAFA Show


The PAFA Show
9 April-15 May 2016

“The PAFA Show” features paintings, drawings, sculpture and mixed media work by fifteen Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Art alumni based in New York City.

Collage artist Paul Loughney is among the 15 artists represented, along with Sarah Peters, Carson Fox, EJ Hauser, Claire Haik, Edgar Jerins, Jordan Griska, Doron Langberg, Stephanie Beck, Aaron Fowler, Jennifer Coates, Michael Shultis, Anna Shukeylo, Paul Metrinko, and Zorowar Sidhu.

Artist/Curator Katherine Bradford, who taught for many years at PAFA, has chosen an exciting and varied selection of works. The artists and curator share the same roots, but the fruits from this family tree are so diverse, with work in stainless steel, bronze, charcoal, cast resin, oil, acrylic, shower curtains, spray paint, crused rocks and linseed oil, photo collage, linen, fibreglass, wood, inkjet pigment tranfer, staples, and Astroturf. The artists utilize and transform their world creating a dialogue rich with humour, political and social undertones, and a celebration of the human experience.

(adapted from the exhibition’s press materials)


Morris-Warren Gallery
171 Chrystie Street
New York, New York 10002 USA
(212) 727-8400

Wednesday-Friday, 10AM-6PM
Saturday-Sunday, 11AM-6PM
and by appointment


The Condo at 4 a.m.
by Paul Loughney
paper collage
Courtesy of the artist