Marcus Ratliff: “The Ladies Room”
17 May-1 July 2017
BigTown’s Projects Gallery presents work by Marcus Ratliff, whose work was discussed Kolaj #8.
BigTown’s Bud Venturini said, “Marcus Ratliff’s collages can be described as Surreal images, composed primarily of unrelated, curious, and exotic paper ephemera that have been saved over many years. Each collected piece patiently waiting to be cut and pasted, taking on strange and newly acquired meaning with literary and mythological reference.
The usual personal scale of Ratliff’s collages are a result of the artist working for forty years as a graphic designer. Ratliff’s projects were always large art books and brochures related to gallery and museum exhibitions. It is this same format that the artist felt most comfortable continuing to work in.”
(Text adapted from the gallery’s press materials)
BigTown Gallery
99 North Main Street
Rochester, Vermont 05767 USA
(802) 767-9670
Wednesday-Friday, 10AM-5PM
Saturday, Noon-5PM
Sunday-Tuesday, by appointment only
Back to the Future
by Marcus Ratliff
Courtesy BigTown Gallery, Rochester, Vermont