Eva Lake: Through the Ages
at Augen Gallery in Portland, Oregon, USA
5 July-4 August 2018
Eva Lake says about the work in “Through the Ages”:
In the past decade, my collages investigated identity and beauty in women. I remix various influences that illustrated the roles offered to me as a young woman, uniting 2 major streams of visual information: old popular magazines with my art history texts.
I seek to re-align how women are portrayed, especially beautiful, glamourous women, having had my own personal investment with ‘beauty’ as a fashion worker and makeup artist, both a critic and avid participant. Yet that kind of persona doesn’t fit in with the serious stance of archaeology, theory and the story of art.
“Through the Ages” takes its name from Gardner’s Art Through the Ages, a well-known art history text. The name works here as I am showing work from more than one time and place in this exhibition. Some pieces look at ancient Egypt, some look at Indian art–many of the works, including the new “Arrangements”, focus on the constructed, cagey, no-room-to-breathe expectations placed on the Modern woman.
I seek to condense time and space, empowering her further. She goes anywhere, anytime.
The show title is suits me as the standard texts were active proponents in the exclusion of women artists in art history; it is just another effort to rewrite the story.
“Through the Ages” is being shown in conjunction with Jim Dine’s “Prints”.
(adapted from the artist’s press materials)
Augen Gallery
Desoto Building
716 NW Davis Street
Portland, Oregon 98209 USA
(503) 546-5056
Tuesday-Saturday, 11AM-5:30PM
and by appointment
Image (top):
My Egypt #31
by Eva Lake
Courtesy of the artist