Angelica Paez

Linear Drawing by Angelica Paez


Angelica Paez has been making collages for about 20 years, but has always “had a love for cut & paste since childhood”. She says, ” I am constantly experimenting with [collage] and pushing myself to create new and different work. I am currently working on layering techniques and giving my work dimension. I am also experimenting with collage on wood pieces to create some sculptural forms.”

Paez’s portfolio appears in Issue Five where Ariane Fairlie writes,

“Houston, Texas” is often inscribed on her work or included somewhere within the materials, which creates an interesting dialogue between the origins of the materials she uses and where they have come to rest, in her artwork. If they have always belonged to Houston, then it is interesting that they should remain there even in their secondary life, and if not, it is interesting that they are now stamped with the Houston identity.

To see all of Angelica Paez’s Artist Portfolio, purchase Issue Five or SUBSCRIBE to never miss an issue.

Captured by Angelica Paez

Image (top):
Linear Drawing
by Angelica Paez
collage on book cover

Image (bottom):
by Angelica Paez
collage with thread and ink