Chris Foster

New Civilizations #10 by Chris Foster


Chris Foster’s work is concerned with the whimsical and the unexpected. It employs a dark sense of humour to explore themes of escapism, resourcefulness and First World excess. It contemplates patterns of futility in human activity and challenges the dominant value systems of entitlement and apathy in contemporary Western culture. Chris lives in the north end of Halifax, where he works illustration, printmaking, and installation.

Foster’s portfolio appears in Issue Three where Ariane Fairlie writes,

There is a sense of time and progression in the pieces that seems fast but steady and consistent, created through a counterbalance of contemporary human technologies and ancient ruin. The viewer is also witness to destruction both initiated by man and by nature. There is a feeling of the futility of the actions witnessed, especially because this underlying mistrust follows the viewer throughout the experience and silently (sometimes completely in the background) eats away at the perception of the work. The black and white aesthetic adds to the nostalgia of the piece as well as brings an added continuity to the disparate objects and people.

To read more about Chris Foster, purchase Issue Three or SUBSCRIBE to never miss an issue.

New Civilizations #10
by Chris Foster
magazines, glue, paper