Schwitters’ Army


An Invitation from the Editor of Kolaj Magazine

Kolaj Editor Ric Kasini Kadour invites collage artists to submit a two-dimensional collage for inclusion in the Schwitters Army, a collection of artwork assembled and exhibited at MERZ Gallery in Sanquhar, Scotland. This Call to Artists appears in KOLAJ #27.

To see the entire issue, SUBSCRIBE to Kolaj Magazine or Get a Copy of the Issue.

Kadour writes, “In preparing for my residency at MERZ Gallery, I’ve been thinking how if David Rushton could apply Schwitters’ philosophy to an old factory, I could apply it to my culture work. I often write about collage as a medium, a genre, and a community. More recently, I have been thinking of collage as a 21st century art movement. This is the idea I plan to explore while at MERZ Gallery.

I invite you to join me and be part of the manifestation of the international collage community by sending a collage to MERZ Gallery. The collage will be documented and exhibited at the gallery in January and February. I will select one collage each day and share it online and via social media with a few words about how it connects to the work I am doing. And after the exhibition, the collage will become part of MERZ Gallery’s permanent collection, a forever stash of art marking the occasion that artists from all over the world manifested in Sanquhar. MERZ Gallery has agreed to maintain and care for the collection and to exhibit the collection in ten years, 2030, or give it to an organization that will do so.”

For the full article and details on how to participate, visit Kadour’s website.

To see the entire issue, SUBSCRIBE to Kolaj Magazine or Get a Copy of the Issue.

About Ric Kasini Kadour

Ric Kasini Kadour is a writer, artist, publisher, and cultural worker. Working with the Vermont Arts Council, Kadour curated three exhibits: “Connection: The Art of Coming Together” (2017) and Vermont Artists to Watch 2018 and 2019. In 2017, he curated “The Art of Winter” at S.P.A.C.E. Gallery in Burlington. In 2018, Kadour curated “Revolutionary Paths: Critical Issues in Collage” at Antenna Gallery in New Orleans, which bought together collage artists whose work represents the potential for deeper inquiry and further curatorial exploration of the medium; followed in 2019 by “Cultural Deconstructions: Critical Issues in Collage” at LeMieux Galleries in New Orleans, which furthered the conversation. Since 2018, he has produced Kolaj Fest New Orleans, a multi-day festival & symposium about contemporary collage and its role in art, culture, and society. In Fall 2018, he became Curator of Contemporary Art at Rokeby Museum and curated two exhibitions, “Rokeby Through the Lens” (May 19-June 16, 2019) and “Structures” (August 24-October 27, 2019). He also curated “Contemporary American Regionalism: Vermont Perspectives” (August 17-October 20, 2019) and “Where the Sun Casts No Shadow: Postcards from the Creative Crossroads of Quito, Ecuador” (November 2019) at the Wilson Museum & Galleries at the Southern Vermont Arts Center. Kadour is the editor and publisher of Kolaj MagazineVermont Art Guide, and Art Map Burlington and has written for a number of galleries and his writing has appeared in HyperallergicVermont MagazineSeven DaysSeattle WeeklyArt New England (where he was the former Vermont editor) and many others. Kadour maintains an active art practice and his photography, collage, and sculpture have been exhibited in and are part of private collections in North America and Europe. He holds a BA in Comparative Religious Studies from the University of Vermont. Kadour splits his time between Montreal and New Orleans.