300′; paint, thread, recycled coffee bags; 2020-2022. Courtesy of the artist.
Sadie Sheldon: 100 Views on Waking and Shortly Before
at Staple Goods in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
11 June-3 July 2022
Sadie Sheldon is a multidisciplinary artist based in New Orleans. Her work is made from found materials, harvested from unwanted piles and reimagined for a greater purpose in storytelling and reshaping the way we experience the matter of our world.
“100 Views on Waking and Shortly Before” features Arabica Scroll: a 300-foot scroll Sheldon has been working on since the early pandemic lockdown of 2020. Painted and sewn on recycled coffee bags, the images undulate between mundane moments, active imaginations and recollected dreams. All are collaged and sewn together with layers of plastic trash accumulated throughout the pandemic. Much like the still frames of a film reel, the images are set into a sequence that tells their story in a chronological progression, weaving between the realities of sleep and awakeness.
The two year project has revolved around many questions:
What if each of our lives’ stories were written with the reverence of treasured texts?
What if the mundane and everyday held vibrant seeds of the fantastic and yet to be dreamed?
How do we alter our relationship with the common waste that threatens the health of the world?
What role do dreams play in guiding our individual and collective growth?
The scroll is both an artifact of a remarkable time, as well as a window into Sheldon’s own subconscious as she engages with these open questions.
(text adapted from the gallery’s press materials)
Staple Goods
1340 St. Roch Avenue
New Orleans, Louisiana 70117 USA
(504) 908-7331
Saturday-Sunday, Noon-5PM