BOP! Adventures in Collage 2023

Solar Music by Lou Beach
17″x17″; mixed media and paper collage; 2023. Courtesy of the artist.


BOP! Adventures in Collage 2023

at The Dime/T.F. Projects in Chicago, Illinois, USA
7 July-3 September 2023

“BOP! Adventures in Collage 2023” is a group exhibition of twenty-seven artists exploring the medium of collage by way of improvisation and intuition with intention. The show is the second iteration in a series of group shows envisioned and shepherded by Tony Fitzpatrick. “BOP!” is curated by Ray Borchers and Paloma Trecka, with the vision of presenting a disparate body of work that carries kinetic energy.

Bacchanalian Forces by Paloma Shaloma
12″x9″; mixed media collage on wood panel; 2023. Courtesy of the artist.

“BOP!” is the title of the show and a word on loan from the lexicon of Jazz: bebop, a staccato double time rhythm with complex progressions and improvisations. In this next iteration of “BOP!”, the call was for pieces that expanded on the definition of collage while narrowing the focus to a visual push-pull that immerses viewers in the rhythm of the artform. “BOP!” artists were asked to engage with the medium in an approach steeped in other American artforms, mainly Jazz, rock ‘n’ roll, modern dance and film.

“BOP!” shows us the collage masterworks of those cutting and sticking with verve, who are: allison anne, Lisa Barcy, Lou Beach, Hisham Akira Bharoocha, Ray Borchers, Nick Bubash, Collin Bunting, Andrea Burgay, Clarisse Casalino, Nick Cash, Lydia Cheshewalla, JJ Cromer, Ben DiNino, Tony Fitzpatrick, Beth Guipe Hall, Tim Kinsella, Clive Knights, Paul Loughney, Nathan Mckee, Nellie Seigel, Sierra Severson, Leah Singer, Fred Thomas, Danny Torres, Paloma Trecka, David Wischer and Dave Yoas.

(text adapted from material provided by the curators)


The Dime/T.F. Projects
1513 North Western Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60622 USA

Saturday, Noon-5PM and by appointment