Departures and Adaptions

Free Radical #2 by Nan Fleming
24″x19″; painted papers on Bristol board. Courtesy of the artist.


Collage: Departures & Adaptions

at Anchor House of Artists in Northampton, Massachusetts, USA
5-30 April 2022

“Collage: Departures & Adaptions” features work by three collage artists, each with their own gallery space in the show. Gallery Two presents Nan Fleming (image above), who writes, “Primarily a 3D artist who assembles found parts⏤not unlike collage⏤my work is generally humorous and quirky. The isolation and loss experienced in the last few years has led to a new kind of expression…Working with color and pattern to achieve textures on paper was the starting off point for this body of work. I have mostly kept the materials incorporated in these collages simple–painted papers, drawing materials and glue. The work created here is much moodier and more thoughtful than my 3D work, reflecting both my sadness and hope for the world as it is and the wonder at its beauty.”

Which Is You by Louise Laplante
44″x30″; vintage periodical images on white Arches paper; 2022. Courtesy of the artist.

Gallery One has the work of Louise Laplante. She writes, “These collages are based in free association, using vintage periodical and book images to create discrete worlds by merging image, color, and placement. They play with concepts and redefine reality. I combine their elements intuitively sometimes with a general idea of what I want to achieve or at other times just letting a particularly interesting element drive the image, one thing leading to another. There is always something of a surrealist element to collage. It lets logic and reality go. The results are pictorial ‘dreams’, bits of reality recombined to produce a new free-form invented world.”

Gallery Three has “The Gospel of Barneys”, work by Patricia Green as Dulle Griet. Adopting the name Dulle Griet, Patricia Green used a found Barneys fashion catalog as the platform for a 222-page collage suite exploring, in a Sherman-like manner, feminine identity and Capitalism. The adopted name is a disparaging Flemish term that refers to a legendary terse female character, an aggressive, bad-tempered woman. Green channels this false narrative so to make the point that Patriarchy will no longer silence the voice of strong women who have something to say about the dominant role that fashion has had in misshaping feminine self-image.

(text adapted from the gallery’s press materials)


Anchor House of Artists
Ground Floor
518 Pleasant Street
Northampton, Massachusetts 01060 USA
(413) 588-4337

Tuesday-Saturday, 1-6PM