Erika Schmidt: K is for Koan, T is for Tone
at Studio Place Arts in Barre, Vermont, USA
24 January-2 March 2024
Erika Schmidt writes about this exhibition:
“T is for Tone” is a project-based series made to interact with the interior structure and feel of the gallery as a response, reflection or excavation of understory to the visual/physical elements or TONE of the space itself. In juxtaposition, signifying “K is for Kōan”, are fourteen collages and mixed media prints interspersed and positioned uniquely as solitary expressions to the concept of a Koan. All together a convergence of compelling notions.
*The etymological origin of the word KŌAN is derived from Japanese: kō, public + an, proposition. A kōan is a question or statement used in Zen Buddhist teaching to help liberate students from their rigid, restrictive ways of viewing themselves and the world around them. A kōan is not a a riddle or problem to be solved. Kōans are not about wit or cleverness. Kōans are about life and death, about our deepest question and concerns in the here and now.
A kōan directs us to see the world as it is, where nothing is superfluous, nothing is separate.
(text adapted from materials provided by the artist)
Studio Place Arts
201 North Main Street
Barre, Vermont 05641 USA
(802) 479-7069
Wednesday-Friday, 11:30AM-5PM
Saturday, 11:30AM-4PM