National Collage Society’s 40th Annual Juried Exhibition

untitled by Csaba Pal
11.7″x8.3″; mixed technique, collage, drawing, painting; 2024. Courtesy of the artist.


National Collage Society’s 40th Annual Juried Exhibition

at Maryland Institute College of Art in Baltimore, Maryland, USA
8 November-15 December 2024

later it will be presented on the National Collage Society’s website.

National Collage Society’s 40th Annual Juried Exhibition features ninety-three collages and assemblages across forty states and four countries. There were 434 submissions received.

The National Collage Society, Inc. (NCS) was founded in 1982 by Gretchen Bierbaum. It is incorporated in Ohio with a dedicated Board of Directors. A non-profit classification was granted with a Federal ID.

Each year the NCS holds two exhibits, a member small format show in the spring and a juried exhibit in the fall. The two annual NCS exhibits average 40 states represented and 7 countries.

The goal of the National Collage Society is to foster the appreciation and interest in the recognized medium of collage. Collage has only been identified and defined during the twentieth century. The NCS, Inc. advances the stature of collage as a major art medium and assists in the public education through exhibits and workshops, lectures and publications. 

(text adapted from material provided by the National Collage Society)


Meyerhoff Gallery
Maryland Institute College of Art
1303 West Mount Royal Avenue
Baltimore, Maryland 21217 USA
(410) 669-9200

Monday-Sunday, 10AM-5PM


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