29 March-21 April 2013
Opening Reception: Friday, 29 March, 6-11PM
Sara Pearce: “RolePlay”
A self-described frenetic personality, Sara Pearce is as prolific at creating works of art as she is precise. Perhaps some of the profusion gains inertia from the artist’s media: a vast and organized collection principally of paper.
The collages, which she mostly will label as “mixed media”, demand long labels to hold not just the clever and often wordy titles, but also to reference the publication or printed document from which each element owes its origin. Often very little of the piece is anything else other than meticulously cut and arranged original paper imagery or text. The artist will lend just a little watercolour, ink, or marker to many of the pieces in this exhibition, as well the occasional vintage rhinestone button. Ever present in the compositions is Pearce’s wit, sensitivity to historic notions and objects, ability to point out our cultural fallacies, and a terrific eye for the fantastic.
Pearce’s pieces explore contemporary and historical notions of gender, equality, and the ever-raging battle of the sexes.
1305 Gallery
1305 Main Street
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 USA
(513) 383-6315
Thursday-Sunday, Noon-4PM
Geoffrey Believed In The Maxim That “The Ability To Accessorize Is What Separates Us From The Animals”
by Sara Pearce
antique photograph, album page and illustrations (The Delineator, Godey’s Lady’s Book)
Courtesy of 1305 Gallery