A Big One


Claudia Söchting in Collage Artist Trading Cards, Pack 6

On the one hand, the focus in Claudia Söchting’s artwork lies within a playful perception of perspective, which she converts in multi-part collages about architecture and landscape. On the other hand, to relax, her works show ironic or absurd human situations and consist only of two or three fragments.

After the theoretical study of art sociology, she dedicated herself to practical art production, creating collages from books and photographs. She is a member of the artist group Diletanti, which was established in Bonn in 2012. Her collage Bajazzo was included in “The Child in Collage”, an exhibition in print from Kolaj #14.

Söchting was featured in Collage Artist Trading Cards, Pack 6.


Gotik is a cut-and-paste, analogue collage made entirely of images from a single book. “Gotik was a project for a big group exhibition with the topic of books. My idea was to produce a collage out of a single book, in this case a picture book on Gothic cathedrals,” said Söchting. At 23″x38″, the work is large by some collage standards. “I want to make a big one!” she said.

Söchting’s current work focuses on “simple collages with only two different elements or layers.” You can see her work in the Kolaj Magazine Artist Directory or at her website, www.claudiasoechting.com.

PURCHASE Collage Artist Trading Cards, Pack 6.