Modern British Collage at Pallant House Gallery

15 June-29 September 2013

“Modern British Collage and its Legacy” surveys collage in modern British art, through works in the gallery’s own collection. The works on exhibit range from the British Avant-Garde of the 1920s and 1930s, through The Independent Group and Pop Art, to work by John Stezaker from 2011.

“Cut & Paste” at Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art

13 June-15 September 2013

“Cut & Paste”: Contemporary collage art by Jesse Ash (United Kingdom), Tyler Beard (Colorado), Alicia Ordal (Colorado), Stas Orlovski (California), Adam Parker Smith (New York), Judy Pfaff (New York), Jeff Raphael (Colorado), and Mario Zoots (Colorado).

Laure Prouvost at Collezione Maramotti, Reggio Emilia

5 May-3 November 2013

Laure Prouvost’s installation Farfromwords includes collage, photography, video, and graffiti. Prouvost is the winner of the 4th Max Mara Art Prize for Women. This work was purchased by Collezione Maramotti for their permanent collection.