Nina Fraser: Artist Portfolio
Lisbon, Portugal
Nina Fraser writes, “My work arises from an attempt to understand the contradictions in our exterior world through the physical act of arrangement and material investigation. Attracted to inexpensive and throwaway materials; paper, magazines, household DIY materials and plastic bags, I seek the value they hold through their intrinsic lack of value, as well as their pliability and immediacy, and their insistent grounding in a time-place, through association of text, image or material properties.” A portfolio of her work appears in Kolaj 25.
This artist portfolio appeared in Kolaj #25. To see the entire issue, SUBSCRIBE to Kolaj Magazine or Get a Copy of the Issue.
Nina Fraser gained a first class honours Bachelor of Arts in Textile Art from the Winchester College of Art, Hampshire, United Kingdom. She emigrated to Portugal in 2014, becoming a resident artist at MArt (space for projects, learning and experimentation) in Lisbon from 2015 to 2017. She has exhibited in collective and solo exhibitions in the United Kingdom, Portugal, Germany, Australia, Poland and the USA. Her collages have been selected for publication in the USA, Italy, United Kingdom, Spain and Portugal. She was one of the selected entries for the Evolver Prize 2017, presented by Evolver, the Wessex Art & Culture Guide.
Learn more about the artist on her Kolaj Magazine Artist Directory page and at
This artist portfolio appeared in Kolaj #25. To see the entire issue, SUBSCRIBE to Kolaj Magazine or Get a Copy of the Issue.
Images: (top to bottom)
Bluebird III by Nina Fraser
(acrylic ink and collage)
Pied Wagtail by Nina Fraser
(acrylic ink and collage)
Images courtesy of the artist.