
Sally Gall at Winston Wächter Fine Art in New York, New York, USA through 5 March 2022. Sally Gall's "Elemental" features the artist's enigmatic abstraction of the natural world throughout her forty-year career by presenting works from five series. As a photographer, Gall explores the eternal and monumental aspects of nature and how humans exist within it. Gall shows us moments when the natural world organizes itself into surprising abstract or metaphoric arrangements, by capturing swimmers in open water, hidden worlds within caves, colorful shapes in the wind, and dramatic skies. MORE


Monumental Dreams

In August 2021, Marta Janik and Anthony D Kelly, traveled from their respective homes in Warsaw, Poland and Castlebar, Ireland to Birr, Ireland to attend the exhibition, “Empty Columns Are a Place to Dream” in person. Based in the town’s Tin Jug Studios, they were able to directly experience the festival, the project and the magic of Birr. They report on their travels and the exhibition in Kolaj 34. MORE




Stories Left Behind

Arlington, Massachusetts, USA. Kim Triedman loves old things: the milkiness of old paint, the stains and the ravels, the stories left behind. Most of her artwork involves found and recycled objects: old ledgers, receipts and certificates; graphs and architectural plans; newsprint and chicken-wire and laundry lines. The content of Triedman’s work tilts to the provocative, focusing on issues of gender expectations and historical and evolving perceptions of femininity and sexuality. MORE



Seeing The Possibilities, Seeing Red

“Seeing Red” by Heather Olker is a series of collages that employs a feminist discourse to confront the misogynistic imagery and narratives generated by high-end fashion photography. Natasha Chuk reviews Olker's work in Kolaj 34. She writes, "The work asks us to confront our overall apathetic and unconcerned acceptance of advertising messages and question the visual and narrative they impart to imagine other possibilities that restore the integrity and agency of objectified women." MORE


Save the Date: Kolaj Fest New Orleans

Kolaj Fest New Orleans is a multi-day festival & symposium about contemporary collage and its role in art, culture, and society, June 15-19, 2022. MORE


Sugar & Spice

Marika Christofides at The Loudoun House in Lexington, Kentucky, USA, 20 January-24 February 2022. Using kitschy images of girls from 1950s and 60s print ephemera, Sugar & Spice transforms saccharine images of ideal girlhood into more complex beings, while at the same time evoking the contradictions around which women must conform themselves--contradictions which “infest” the foundations of our culture. MORE


Remembered Landscapes

The Sacred Space of Home at the New Mexico State University Art Museum in Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA. This multimedia installation by artist Jackie Mitchell Edwards reveals an elongated poetic search for home and healing through material and spiritual relationships with nature and landscape. The installation includes abstract paintings, altars, collage, assemblage, talismans and amulets. MORE


Cut-Out Pages
for the World Collage Day Special Edition

Deadline: February 22, 2022. In honor of World Collage Day, Kolaj Magazine will issue a Special Edition of the magazine that features Cut-Out Pages and articles about the collage community. A Cut-Out Page is a selection of fragments that one can use to make a collage. The feature reflects artists’ styles and approaches to collage making and shows how artists select and organize fragments. People use the Cut-Out Pages to make collage. For instructions on how to make and submit a Cut-Out Page, visit the Call to Artists. MORE


Knoxville Museum of Art
2PM | Saturday, January 29, 2022
Free & Open to all.

The exhibition, "Empty Columns Are a Place to Dream" is on view at the museum until February 4, 2022. MORE



Empty Columns Are a Place to Dream

A companion book to the project of the same name, Ric Kasini Kadour unpacks what monuments are and their role in our communities. He takes the reader on a tour from the Megalithic Temples of Malta to Brú na Bóinne in Ireland to the Confederate monuments of Obion County, Tennessee to the empty column in the center of Birr, County Offaly, Ireland. Kadour asks us to consider monuments as sites of collective memory and as places to reflect upon history, even when that history is false or misleading. He then shows us what happens when collage artists reimagine these spaces as sites of truth and reconciliation. The book features the collages of eighteen international artists made a series of collages that reimagined the empty column in the center of Birr, County Offaly, Ireland, which, from 1747 to 1915, commemorated the Duke of Cumberland's 1745 victory over the Scots at Culloden, as 21st century beacons of hope and reconciliation. MORE

Empty Columns Are a Place to Dream is automatically sent to Silver Scissors & Golden Glue Members of Kolaj Institute. These special members of Kolaj Institute support residencies, fellowships, publications, and traveling programs while receiving a piece of the collage community to their mailbox each month. Join before January 31, 2022 to start your membership with this title. LEARN MORE

Current Issue

Our goal with every issue is that Kolaj Magazine is essential reading for anyone interested in the role of contemporary collage in art, culture, and society. We not only hope you enjoy the articles and images in Kolaj 34, we hope it leads you to asking great questions.



Kolaj 34

From Rockwall, Texas to Belarus to Dublin, Ireland, Kolaj 34 offers an international view of collage. In this issue we look at how the medium is being used to critique fashion advertising, build community, and investigate Black, Victorian spirituality. Writers wrestle with ideas about illusionary spaces, the psychology of the creative process, and concepts that expand our understanding of collage.

Each issue of Kolaj Magazine shows how collage artists are making their way through the world. International in scope, we explore all aspects of collage and its impact on society and culture. MORE

Recent Publications


Tissue Box:
A Pandemic Response

Boite à mouchoir: Une réponse à la pandémie. In Spring 2020, as the world was going into lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Quebec Collagiste Virginie Maltais felt a deep need for a point of reference. Her solution was a project that asked collage artists from around the world to make a collage using the top of a tissue box. "Small projects are important. You regain your courage and hope when you start and manage to finish something. There is no small project. We do big projects with lots of little steps. Step by step, we move forward. Together. And it is all of these small steps, together, that led to the creation of this book." Maltais worked with Kolaj Institute and Kasini House to produce a bilingual book about the project. MORE


transitional MOMENTS

transitional MOMENTS: restoring equilibrium through the art of collage includes one hundred collages selected from over 2000 submissions created from 600 collage packets sent to artists around the world for World Collage Day 2021 by the Arizona Collage Collective. transitional MOMENTS "reflects our current state of uncertainty as we wrestle with feeling constrained, disoriented and suspended in air between what was and what will be. Yet, these thresholds, unsettling as they are, can be spaces of great creativity and transformation," writes ACC's Suzanne Winkel. MORE


Oh, Money! Money!
by Eleanor H. Porter

Kolaj Institute is pleased to announce the publication of Oh, Money! Money!by Eleanor H. Porter and illustrated by a collective of collage artists. In Porter’s 1918 novel, a Chicago multi-millionaire struggles to decide to whom he should leave his money. The book is a time capsule of early 20th century American life with a strong focus on the lives of women and observations about material culture and communities before the rampant consumerism of the 1920s and the Great Depression. To illustrate the book, Kolaj Institute organized a residency that brought together ten artists who worked collaboratively to make sixty-three collages that interpret Porter’s novel for a 21st century audience. MORE


Radical Reimaginings

The curators of the 96-page book invited artists who use collage in their practice to put forward a work of art that offers a visual narrative that speaks to the unprecedented change unfolding in 2020. An essay by Ric Kasini Kadour reflects upon collage's unique ability to imagine new realities. Forty artists from nine countries and multiple Indigenous peoples—Salish-Kootenai/Métis-Cree/Sho-Ban, Tlingit/Nisga’a, Oglala/Lakota, and Seneca Nation—offer a variety of perspectives. The voices of Black, Latinx, Native, and white Americans mingle with those from Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Argentina, Canada, France, and Germany. Artwork is accompanied by a statement in which the artists describe how they want to reimagine the world. MORE


Collage Magic
by Emma Anna

Part autobiography, part fantasy, Emma Anna’s vision of The New Old World (aka The NOW) fuses vintage ephemera with modern imaging technologies. Emma shapes this strange world by using the pen tool from Adobe Photoshop as her magic wand, in the process declaring herself to be a “collage magician”. Part artist book, part document of art making, Collage Magic, from La Casa Verde Editions, is Emma Anna’s journey through magic and art. MORE


Revolutionary Paths

When the collage is presented in exhibition, it is often done so without the critical framework granted other mediums. In "Revolutionary Paths: Critical Issues in Collage", exhibition curator Ric Kasini Kadour presents examples of collage that represent various aspects and takes on the medium. Each work in the exhibition represents the potential for deeper inquiry and further curatorial exploration of the medium. MORE


Cultural Deconstructions

Collage is unique as a medium in that it uses as its material artifacts from the world itself. To harvest those fragments, the artist must first deconstruct culture; they must select, cut, and remove the elements they do not wish to use and then reconstruct work that tells a new story. In "Cultural Deconstructions: Critical Issues in Collage", exhibition curator Ric Kasini Kadour presents examples of collage artists who are deconstructing identity as a way to critique culture. MORE


The Money $how: Cash, Labor, Capitalism & Collage

The Money $how juxtaposes contemporary artwork against fragments of history and literature as a way of showing how collage can help us deconstruct culture and understand the world differently. Artists collage dollar bills into flowers and mine material remnants to tell stories about home economics. MORE


World Collage Day 2021

In honour of World Collage Day, May 8, 2021, Kolaj Magazine is releasing a special edition of the magazine. The Special Edition is full of Cut-Out Pages and stories from inspiring collage artists. MORE

Note: The World Collage Day Special Edition is not included in a regular Kolaj Magazine subscription.


Unfamiliar Vegetables: Variations in Collage

Unfamiliar Vegetables is a collection of collage where each of the fifty artists interpreted, in their own way, Carlotta Bonnecaze’s 1892 Carnival float design Familiar Vegetables. Project organizer Christopher Kurts observed, “Unfamiliar Vegetables is an experiment in controlled chaos….tiny variations within each artist’s creative sphere accumulate until the outcomes are as unique as the people creating them.” MORE


The International Directory of Collage Communities 

The 104-page book is a survey of collage networks, guilds, communities, and projects as well as online efforts and groups focused on collage research. For each community, the directory presents their key activities, mission, how to join, and a bit of their history. Copious images illustrate the book. MORE

Our goal with every issue is that Kolaj Magazine is essential reading for anyone interested in the role of contemporary collage in art, culture, and society. Each issue of Kolaj Magazine is dedicated to reviewing and surveying contemporary collage with an international perspective. We are interested in collage as a medium, a genre, a community, and a 21st century art movement.

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Individual Issues
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Back issues and previously published books are available through ARTSHOP.

About Kolaj Magazine

Kolaj Magazine is a quarterly, printed, art magazine reviewing and surveying contemporary collage with an international perspective. We are interested in collage as a medium, a genre, a community, and a 21st century art movement. Kolaj is published in Montreal, Quebec by Maison Kasini. Visit Kolaj Magazine online.


About Kolaj Institute

The mission of Kolaj Institute is to support artists, curators, and writers who seek to study, document, & disseminate ideas that deepen our understanding of collage as a medium, a genre, a community, and a 21st century movement. We operate a number of initiatives meant to bring together community, investigate critical issues, and raise collage’s standing in the art world.


Kolaj Magazine.
Published by Maison Kasini. Copyright © 2022. All Rights Reserved.