Veeranganakumari Solanki

Veeranganakumari Solanki (b. 1985) is an independent curator and art-writer, based in Mumbai, India. She studied English Literature and holds post-graduate diplomas in Indian Aesthetics, Art Criticism and Theory, as well as holding a Masters in History. Her curatorial experience has involved research, curating and writing for several art publications and journals on emerging Indian, Asian and international artists and art practices in India as well as internationally. She is the recipient of the first illySustainArt Curator’s prize (2011) and the 1st Annual ALICE (Artistic Landmark in Contemporary Experience) Public’s Voice Award 2012 for best Emerging Curator.

Nancy Flagg

Nancy Flagg is based in Sacramento, California. She is a former university administrator, turned freelance writer and has written extensively for newspapers, magazines and trade journals. Her work includes writing profiles of artists from a variety of artistic fields and reviewing art events and exhibitions. More information about Nancy can be found at her website:

Lisa Kehler

Lisa Kehler is an emerging curator with an interest in artistic practices that lie outside of the academic tradition. She has worked in galleries and with arts organizations across Canada, including Atelier Gallery, the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, and is currently the Special Projects Director at Border Crossings in Winnipeg, Manitoba. She holds a BA Honours in Art History and is currently pursuing her Masters in Cultural Studies: Curatorial Practices at the University of Winnipeg. In June 2013, Kehler was published in The Plug In ICA’s book, Art Tomorrow: 40 years of the Future Now.

Edvard Derkert

Edvard Derkert was born 1954 in Stockholm. He has no formal education as an artist, but has been making collages and art since he was 12. Derkert has also been active as a musician, playing free-form jazz on saxophone and guitar. Apart from making art, he works as an illustrator and graphic designer. Derkert has published books, including Cut & Paste: Collage in Theory and Practice. Derkert is active in the Nationalgalleriet, Sweden’s oldest existing artist-driven gallery. Works by the artist can be found on his website:

Carl David Ruttan

Carl David Ruttan was born in 1976 in Oshawa, Ontario. He studied fine art at the University of Ottawa, completing his Bachelors of Fine Art in 2000. He has traveled in Asia, North America, Europe and on numerous islands of the Caribbean and South Pacific. Carl Settled in Montreal in 2001 after his first trip to Asia. Ruttan is an active member of both the printmaking workshop Atelier Circulaire and Montreal artist-run centre articule. A book about his collage practice, Printoptik, was published by Maison Kasini in 2011.

Jp King

Jp King, a graduate of Concordia University, lives and works in Toronto. His book of poems and illustrations We Will Be Fish, was published by PistolPress in 2008. He has recently started Paper Pusher, a Risograph print works and publisher specializing in literary and art hybrids.

Ric Kasini Kadour

Ric Kasini Kadour has contributed writing for a number of books and catalogs. He co-owns and operates Maison Kasini Canada, an art retailer and publisher in Montreal, Quebec and Kasini House, Inc, a creative production company and publisher in Burlington, Vermont.

Paul Bright

Paul Bright has been making collage since the late 1980s. Originally from Ohio, he was educated at the University of South Carolina. He is currently the director of Wake Forest University’s Charlotte & Philip Hanes Gallery.

Meaghan Thurston

Meaghan Thurston was born in 1982 in Nova Scotia, Canada. She lives in Montreal and works in Montreal at McGill University. She also works as a writer and blogger. Her special interest in visual culture drives her writing practice and she regularly contributes to arts magazines, including The Rover: Montreal Arts Uncovered, Onsite Review, and Forum: The University of Edinburgh’s Journal of Arts and Culture. She contributed to a book about the collage practice of Carl David Ruttan, Printoptik, which was published by Maison Kasini in 2011.

Aprile Elcich

Aprile Elcich is the author of the collage blog Notpaper, which features interviews with collage stars and up-and-comers internationally. She gets to meet many great people, as her blog has gained many followers and loyal readers—and she is excited to continue along this path. She lives and works in Toronto, Ontario, and spent 2010-2011 in Philadelphia where she worked as a graphic designer.