Playing with a Full Deck

Not so long ago, Portland, Oregon artist Liz Cohn inherited 125 decks of playing cards from her father-in-law’s private collection. She decided to use the large amount of cards as materials for a mail art collaboration project.

Kolaj Magazine Launches Artist Directory

Kolaj Magazine has announced the creation of an artist directory that will serve as a tool for organizing and cataloguing artists who work in the medium of collage. Its audience includes the general public as well as independent curators, art venues, and writers. The editorial staff of Kolaj Magazine will use the Artist Directory to select artists to feature in the publication and to select artists for various curatorial projects. The Artist Directory exists as a public resource for those interested in collage as a medium and is designed to put interested parties in direct contact with artists.

Sophie Jodoin at Richmond Art Gallery

In our first issue, writer Jp King asked Montreal artist Sophie Jodoin why the human figure is so important in her work, she responded: “its complexity, psychologically and physically, everything that it might reveal, hold back, hide, deny, bare, resist…” Jodoin’s work has the capacity to draw the viewer in to its intimate dramas through the sensitive and proficient handling of her thought provoking subjects. Equally conceptual and representational, her drawn series of works can take up to two years to realize. “Close Your Eyes” is conceived as a long continuous thread echoing the course of one’s life—a collection of narratives and struggles encountered by simply living.

The Close your eyes exhibition is conceived as a long continuous thread echoing the course of one’s life—a collection of narratives and struggles encountered by simply living. It covers a span of four years and consists of three body of works: Small Dramas & Little Nothings, Charred and Vigils. Materially, it includes black and white drawings, collages, video, a sculptural piece and tables with artifacts.

Collage Making in Winooski, Vermont (USA)

In 2012, we will mark the 100th anniversary of collage as a modern and contemporary art form. Come celebrate the occasion at the Winooski Pop-up Gallery District. Ben Depelteau, Montreal-based artist and editor of Kolaj Magazine, will lead two collage making sessions on Saturday, July 21st. One is for kids age 5-12 and the other is for adults.