The Kolaj ArchiveKolaj Magazine is a quarterly, printed, art magazine reviewing and surveying contemporary collage with an international perspective. We are interested in collage as a medium, a genre, a community, and a 21st century art movement. In addition to the magazine, Kolaj publishes catalogs, booklets, programs, special editions, and trading card packs. The editorial philosophy of Kolaj Magazine is such that we want each issue to be a timeless document of collage and artists, writers, curators, and thinkers who work in this global community. In response to a number of requests from those seeking to build and maintain a complete archive, we offer this page as a resource. The complete archive (38 issues of the magazine plus 6 World Collage Day Special Editions, as of December 2023) is available for purchase. If you are looking to complete an archive that you have already started building, use this checklist to identify your missing issues, send us an email, and we will provide you a custom quote for the missing items. In addition to the printed magazine, Kolaj Institute publishes books about collage. We encourage you to go HERE to learn more about those titles. Purchase Archive |
MAGAZINE Kolaj #38Lost Collages; Southern Axis; Poetic Collage; The Abbondanza of Order & Chaos; The Rare Hallucination of Reality…Defragmented; Billboards; The Secret Life of Plants...Kolaj 38 is chock full of news, ideas, thinking about collage and its place in the world. In the editor, Ric Kasini Kadour asks what happens when a work of art becomes detached from the artist, orphaned, unidentified? A new collage-focused gallery, Cuts & Paste, opens in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Alicia Saadi's collage is installed on a billboard in New Brunswick, New Jersey. Lance Letscher shares his idea of good art. Kim Triedman came to poetry by accident, which brought her to collage. Anna Rémuzon profiles Czech collagist Tomáš Jetela. Stephen Specht, Ph.D., NCS continues the conversation on AI and collage. The University of Colorado collected Frances Joy Bradbury's "The Art of Joy" COVID-19 project. Ekphrasis in reverse is how Evelyn Rapin describes her collage making. Kadour also reviews the 20th anniversary exhibition at the Ogden Museum of Southern Art. This issue's artist portfolios come from France, Germany, Alabama, Louisiana, and California. On the cover is On attrape bien les followers avec des likes (We Are Good at Catching Followers with Likes) by French collagist SLip. MORE |
SPECIAL EDITION World Collage Day 2023In honor of World Collage Day, 13 May 2023, Kolaj Magazine released a special edition of the magazine. The Special Edition is full of Cut-Out Pages and stories from inspiring collage artists. The printed magazine also includes an interview with 2023 World Collage Day Poster Artist Anthony D Kelly. MORE |
MAGAZINE Kolaj #37Cats. Cats in space. Cats lounging around buildings. San Fran Cat Nap by Matt McCarthy is on the cover of Kolaj 37. McCarthy's collage work “transports viewers to a world that’s similar to our own, but also features massive felines stalking our landscapes” and has a lot of fun doing so. In Kolaj 37, we consider the role of artists in the world of Artificial Intelligence. We learn about the abstract collages of Inuit artist Janet Kigusiuq. A collage exhibition in Kolkata, India imagines the gap between art and science. We profile COOLLAGE: A Closer Look by the Dutch duo Tintenkillers, Mythical Creatures in Collage by New York artist Lynn Gall, and the collaborative playing card set, "The Deck of Everything and Nothing", spearheaded by Celia Crame. Atlanta-based collagist Shanequa Gay uses collage to make sense of her past. Through artist portfolios, we journey to The Netherlands, the United States and Uruguay. We hope each issue of Kolaj Magazine takes you someplace you’ve never been. MORE |
MAGAZINE Kolaj #36Barbara Bertino's Sailing the Dry Land graces the front cover of Kolaj 36 which we think is an apt metaphor for a print magazine where each issue travels around the world of collage. In Kolaj 36, we travel from the western foothills of the Sierra Nevada to Rio de Janeiro to Kampala, Uganda to report on the international community of collage artists and what this 21st century art movement is doing. Kelli Bodle takes us back in time to explore the legacy of Italian Proto-Arte Povera Artist Salvatore Meo. We hear from a collective of composers in Peru (all of whom are women) who are making collage heard as well as seen. We get an update on how the U.S. Supreme Court may be changing Fair Use. And we consider the painterly influences and attitudes of collage artists, whether two-bit collage is a sort of minimalism, and how one artist came to love collage in motion. We hope each issue of Kolaj Magazine takes you someplace you've never been. MORE |
SPECIAL EDITION World Collage Day 2022In honour of World Collage Day, 14 May 2022, Kolaj Magazine is releasing a special edition of the magazine. The Special Edition is full of Cut-Out Pages and stories from inspiring collage artists.The printed magazine also includes an interview with 2022 World Collage Day Poster Artist Erin McCluskey Wheeler. MORE |
MAGAZINE Kolaj #35From the Scottish Highlands to the shores of Lake Ontario to Mombasa, Kenya, Kolaj 35 brings the wide-world of collage to your doorstep: Ellsworth Kelly‘s postcard collages, uncollage in action, collage en plein air, the practice of collecting fragments, Black collage in Baltimore, the wild artwork of a Montreal-based mushroom and pinball enthusiast, collage at New Orleans’ city-wide art triennial, and more. On the cover is a collaborative collage in solidarity with the Ukrainian people, a small gesture of hope for a more peaceful world in the future. Each issue of Kolaj Magazine shows how collage artists are making their way through the world. International in scope, we explore all aspects of collage and its impact on society and culture. MORE |
MAGAZINE Kolaj #34On the cover is Living Space by Katia Burak. Vakseen Opens a Gallery | Politics in Collage Residency | arTHANKS in British Columbia, Canada | The Wild Goddess Oracle | A Small Nation of Women: An Exhibition at Yale University’s Divinity School from Curators Khaleelah I. L. Harris & Teri Henderson | The Illusion of Reality: Katia Burak Attempts to Understand Human Perception of Reality | Building Connections & Forging Community: Luis Martin’s Collage Dream Collage Kits | Monumental Dreams: Anthony D Kelly & Marta Janik report on an International Collage Exhibition Debuting in Birr, Ireland | Seeing The Possibilities, Seeing Red: Natasha Chuk analyzes Heather Olker’s Use of Collage to Critique Fashion Advertising | Land of Collage and Honey: Cherie Rahkola Reports on Kal Honey & Kim-Lee Kho’s Virtual Collage Jam | Chaos, Complexity, and Collage: Steven M. Specht Unpacks the Psychology of the Creative Process | The Third Thing Is Immaterial: Todd Bartel asks, “Are Readymades Uncollages?” | Artist Portfolios by Jen Broemel, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA; Johannes Boekhoudt, Rockwall, Texas, USA; Jill Ricci, Asbury Park, New Jersey, USA; Brian Palm, Dublin, Ireland; Angela Piehl, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA | Facing God by Luis Martin is on the back cover. MORE |
MAGAZINE Kolaj #33On the front and back covers is Handling by Leslie Fry from her "The Lives of Dahlias" series. Remembering Floyd Kuptana (1964-2021) | Cutout Festival in Kyiv, Ukraine | Empty Columns in Ireland | Kolaj LIVE Milwaukee | Editorial: Making the New Normal: Thoughts on a Post-Pandemic Life | Bird Women in a Cloak of Nature: The Surrealism of Leslie Fry | The Greater Truth of Fiction: A book review of GorMatt StrangePeak: Great Art Undone in the Happenstance Years, 2018-2020 | Call & Response: The Exchange of Poetry and Collage between Trish Crapo & Missy-Marie Montgomery | Fog on the Glass: Four Decades of Lesley Schiff’s Photocopy Collage by Katrina Slavik | Keeping Busy: Ken Weichel on Collage and Book Making in the Seventies & Eighties | Collage in a Dangerous Time: The Astonishing Friedl Dicker-Brandeis by Ginger Sedlarova | Artist Portfolios by Rashad Ali Muhammad, Clinton, Maryland, USA; Michelle Concetta Parchini, Saudi Arabia; Christian Wischnewski, Berlin, Germany; Celia Crane, Rochester, New York, USA; Marlene Weisman, Brooklyn, New York, USA. MORE |
MAGAZINE Kolaj #32On the cover is Three Wheel by Tim Harper. The Seaside Fleet Comes to New York City | Collagist Simon Blake Directs Crystal Hot Sauce Campaign | Peter Blake Collage on Macallan Whisky Bottles | World Collage Day is May 8, 2021 | Editorial: Collage Out in the World | Phone-A-Friend: Collage Takes the Stage in Historic TELEPHONE Web-based Interactive Art Project by Celia Crane | Les Cocobopros: A New Collaborative Artist Book from Michael Koppa | Mind the Gap: Collision and Context in Haiku and Collage by Rod T. Boyer | Improbable Ascents: Abstract Escalation of iuri kothe by Ashley Pryor Geiger | Cutting Edge: Public and Private Performance in the Collages of Rebecca Steiner by Madeleine Rhondeau | Temptations of Saint Anthony: Martha Chong Joins a Noble Tradition of Artists Tempted by Surreal Mysticism | Tread Water: Sharon Shapiro’s Collage Paintings Help Us Remember Recreational Segregation in the United States by Elyana Shamselangeroodi & Ric Kasini Kadour | Retroavangarda: Allan Bealy Interviews Warsaw Collagist & Festival Maker Anna Kłos | Artist Portfolios by Craig Upson, Berkeley, California, USA; Jude Broughan, Brooklyn, New York, USA; Myriam Dion, Montreal, Quebec, Canada; Tim Harper, Midlothian, Virginia, USA; Brittany M. Reid, Rochester, New York, USA. A detail of Notre Dame Cathedral, Tuesday, April 16, 2019 by Myriam Dion is on the back cover. MORE |
SPECIAL EDITION World Collage Day 2021In honour of World Collage Day, 8 May 2021, Kolaj Magazine released a special edition of the magazine. The Special Edition is full of Cut-Out Pages and stories from inspiring collage artists. The printed magazine also includes an interview with 2021 World Collage Day Poster Artist Red Collage. MORE |
MAGAZINE Kolaj #31On the cover is a collage from the "Heads of State" series by Gavin Benjamin. Age of Collage 3 | Lisa Barcy Wins Awards | Roberta Guarna Wins Apulia Contemporary Art Prize | Varujan Boghosian (1926-2020) | Editorial: Bending History: What We Have to Offer | We Need to Know Our History: The Work in Progress Mural by Jann Haworth and Liberty Blake | Benny Andrews: Portraits, a new book by Michael Rosenfeld Gallery | Lost & Found: Marco Antonio Núñez Recalls the Collage Stolen from UNCTAD III During the 1973 Military Coup in Chile | Just for the Record: Patricia Leeds Uses Collage to Deconstruct Whiteness and Patriarchy | Passion in Action: Suzanne Winkel Recounts the Birth of the Arizona Collage Collective | Februllage: The Importance of Artist Play | Getting Good: Hazel Pitt Shares the Potential of Collage as a Tool for Wellbeing | Artist Portfolios by Gavin Benjamin, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA; Caiozzama, Santiago, Chile; Guy Vording, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; Nancy Baker, Brooklyn, New York, USA; Jay Riggio, Los Angeles, California, USA. Nueva Constitucion (New Constitution) by Caiozzama is on the back cover. MORE |
MAGAZINE Kolaj #30On the cover is a collage from Ricardo Miguel Hernández‘s series “When Memory Turns to Dust”. How To Spot an Artist | City of Seattle Collects Collage | Sharp Hands Gallery | Kolaj Institute News | Editorial: Destroy the Myth-Major “Painting” by Native American Artist Jaune Quick-To-See Smith Acquired by National Gallery of Art (USA) | Subverting Realities: The Collage of Cuba’s Ricardo Miguel Hernández by Yenny Hernández Valdés | Estallido Social: The Social Uprising in Chile leads to Centro de Estudios del Collage | LESS Festival: A Collage Festival in Viborg, Denmark | Breaking Bread with the Dead: Joan Harrison Reflects on Her Friendship with Ray Johnson | Tale of Two Collagists: The Ongoing Exchange of Heather Annis and Melanie Mowinski | The City of Objectivity: A work of fiction by Clive Knights | Going Big: Take It to the Street: The Locative Collage Work of Miss.Printed | The Annual Exhibition: Collage in “Louisiana Contemporary” at the Ogden Museum of Southern Art | Artist Portfolios by Brian Barker, Denver, Colorado, USA; Gisele Olson, Jackson Hole, Wyoming, USA; Patti Robinson, Westhampton Beach, New York, USA; Rhonda Barrett, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada; Steven McCarthy, Falcon Heights, Minnesota, USA | Reap & Sow by Brian Barker is on the back cover. MORE |
MAGAZINE Kolaj #29On the cover is Electrum #47 by David Crunelle. Lyndon Barrois Jr Wins 2020 DeGuire & Stone Contemporary Art Award | Collage & Assemblage Artists Longlisted for Sobey Art Award 2020 | {think 2}: objectextion | Kolaj LIVE Online | Editorial: No Time To Pause | Pandemic Collage: How Collage Artists Are Responding to COVID-19 | Keeping Connected: Collage Communities in the Time of COVID | Collage Kits: How to Make a Collage Kit, How to Respond to a Pandemic by Danielle Cole | Excavations, Projections & Depth: Andrea Burgay & Clive Knights in Conversation | Collage Language: Report from Warsaw by Marta Janik | Muralism: Going Big: Teresa Cribelli & the Mystic Krewe of Scissors & Glue | Novelty to Necessity: Max Ernst at Kasmin Gallery by Billy Renkl | The Three Miracles of Bob Bunck: The Scrap Wood Collages of an Amsterdam Artist | And a Kiss for Good Measure: A Cut Out Page from Louise Héroux, Aylmer, Quebec | Artist Portfolios by Crissy Arseneau, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada; Angela Gaffney-Smith, Saugerties, New York, USA; Aaron Coleman, Tucson, Arizona, USA; Andrés Gamiochipi, Mexico City, Mexico; Scott Austin, San Francisco, California, USA | The Origin of Ideas by Andrés Gamiochipi is on the back cover. MORE |
SPECIAL EDITION World Collage Day 2020In honour of World Collage Day, May 9, 2020, Kolaj Magazine released a special edition of the magazine. The World Collage Day 2020 Special Edition features cut out pages by seventeen collage artists from Brazil, Canada, the Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Russia, Spain, the United Kingdom and the United States, as well as a profile of and two cut-out pages by the World Collage Day 2020 poster artist, Australian-Colombian collagist Emma Anna. MORE |
MAGAZINE Kolaj #28We look at how collage artists get inspired: how the body decorations of Surma and Mursi Tribes inform Janet Taylor Pickett’s collage; how Koji Nagai uses his first impression of the materials; how Sabine Remy is inspired by an iconic German publisher; how Colleen Cunningham brings pop culture into her work; how Misoo relies on her experience an Asian woman in America; how cover artist Rosemary Rae mines the proverbial junk drawer. READ MORE |
MAGAZINE Kolaj #27In Kolaj #27, we consider the role art collecting plays in the collage scene, remember artists who have recently passed, get introduced to an Inuk artist from the Canadian Arctic, hear about a collaborative model that dates back to the sixteenth century, and learn about the role of uncollage in photography and film. Our goal with every issue is that Kolaj Magazine is essential reading for anyone interested in the role of contemporary collage in art, culture, and society. READ MORE |
MAGAZINE Kolaj #26Jack & Jane Do It All Right by Jim Ford is on the cover. | KAOS Returns to Slovenia | Unfoldingobject at Concord Center for the Visual Arts | Four Hundred Years of Collage at the National Gallery of Scotland | Collage on the Steps of Parliament Hill in Ottawa, Ontario | Immersive Materiality by Etty Yaniv | Mapping Back: Peter Dykhuis' Encaustic with Collage by Jane Affleck | Before It’s An Uncollage by Todd Bartel | Thieves in the Temple: Robyn Redish and the Stolen Painting Instagram by Dillon Raborn | Truth • Will • Art: John Heartfield's Political Art by John J Heartfield | An Urban Capharnaum: Usine 106u Gallery in Montreal, Quebec by Virginie Maltais | Return, Rediscover, Fascinate: A Cut-out Page from Kosmo Nauty, Prague | Artist porfolios by Susan Lerner, New York, New York, USA; Mary Ellen Bartley, Wainscott, New York, USA; Julie Liger-Belair, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; Dominique Norville, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada; Jim Ford, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA. READ MORE |
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SPECIAL EDITION World Collage Day 2019In honour of World Collage Day, May 11, 2019, Kolaj Magazine is released a special edition of the magazine. The Special Edition is full of stories about inspiring collage artists and advice for making, seeing, being collage. READ MORE |
MAGAZINE Kolaj #25MF55 by Arnaud Sagnier is on the cover | The Medium, the Message, & World Collage Day by Ric Kasini Kadour. The Flying Glue Project Is Now A Book | Under Construction: Collage at the Mint Museum | Collage Research Network Takes Shape | World Collage Atlas Call for Participation | The Catharsis of Collage by Ben DiNino | 365 Days of Collage: Bonnie Denver Ruttan | Unnoticed Urban Elements: Chuck Scalin by Diana Thompson Vincelli | Speak & Be True: Review of Mary Schmidt Campbell’s biography of Romare Bearden | Controlled Madness: Jirí Kolár by Matthew Rose | Uncollage: An Introduction and Defining Uncollage: Giuseppe Arcimboldo, Thomas Eakins, Cornelis Norbertus Gysbrechts, Mark Tansey by Todd Bartel | Cut-out Page by the Mystic Krewe of Scissors and Glue | Collage Books Directory | Artist Portfolios from Harriet Moutsopoulos, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia; Arnaud Sagnier, Villeneuve d’Ascq, France; Nina Fraser, Lisbon, Portugal; Sarah Perkins, London, United Kingdom; Martine Mooijenkind, Gouda, The Netherlands | Kolaj Artist Directory. READ MORE |
MAGAZINE Kolaj #24A detail of Internal Landscape by Beya Khalifa is on the cover | Editorial: Say Something by Ric Kasini Kadour | Matthew Craven’s Primer | Cut & Post Postcard Project | Coming Soon: Museum of Contemporary Collage in Viborg | Photomontage Wins Best in Show at Louisiana Contemporary | Making Faces: Marcia Pitch by Maeve Hanna | ¡Viva el collage en Bolivia! by Silvia Cuello | Muted Mythological Characters of The Fifth Mind 18: FonSomething’s Collage Magnet Packs | Collage Saves: The Brain Chemistry of Collage by Laurie Kanyer | Big Important Art Book, Now With Women: Review of Danielle Krysa’s new art book by Ric Kasini Kadour | Anarcho-Capitalism In Fragments: Julia Arredondo’s Self-Assembled Collage Packs | Skin in the Game: Steve Tierney’s Reflected Series | The Mistake of Falling in Love: Cut-out Page by Alison Kurke | Collage Books Directory | Artist Portfolios from; Lita Poliakova, Dresden, Germany; Amy Ross, Boston, Massachusetts, USA; Beya Khalifa, Cairo, Egypt; Samuel Eller, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil; Sari Szanto, Moscow, Russia | Kolaj Artist Directory. READ MORE |
MAGAZINE Kolaj #23In the issue: A Tartan Collage Army, The Bead Lady of New Orleans, large scale collage in Palo Alto, California, a new gallery in Hastings, England, an app by Italian collage artist Giuseppe Ragazzini, the diverse interrelations between collage and drawing, a review of If You Can Cut, You Can Collage, Paper Positions Berlin, collaged cigarette boxes, profiles of collage projects, the return of The Cut-Out Page, Artist Portfolios, and READ MORE |
SPECIAL EDITION World Collage Day 2018In honour of World Collage Day on May 12, 2018, Kolaj Magazine released a special edition for World Collage Day. The edition has Cut Out Pages, artist profiles, and stories about collage. READ MORE |
MAGAZINE Kolaj #22Kolaj #22 delivers a look at the wonderful world of contemporary collage: the people who make it and the people who love it. Belgian artist Strook‘s building-sized collage is on the cover of the issue. In her profile of the artist, Etty Yaniv writes, "The found wood pieces Strook fuses in his assemblages and the imagery he depicts in his collaged paintings manifest an act of revival: allocating fragmented elements of decay by making an artistic use for them and out of them." READ MORE |
MAGAZINE Kolaj #21In Kolaj #21, Editor Ric Kasini Kadour reflects on The Golden Age of Collage. A Kenyan collagist elevates African identity to celestial heights. Etty Yaniv reports on four artists making collage in the former Soviet republic of Georgia. A German collage zine helps us define Collage Play. A Yemeni-American artist uses collage to tell her story. We tell the story of a 95-year-old artist from Vienna who is making collage from the Guatemalan jungle. And we show Artist Portfolios from Portugal, The United States, the United Kingdom, and The Netherlands. My Messy Desk by Shawn Miller is on the cover. A profile of him appears in the magazine. READ MORE |
MAGAZINE Kolaj #20Kolaj #20 bookends the magazine’s fifth year of publishing. In the issue, Antonio Beecroft & Michael Uhlenkott share the history of World Imitation Productions and how collage visualized early California punk. Uhlenkott explains, “We gathered old magazines and science texts from library rejects, trash cans, and thrift stores. We loved trash.” If this sounds familiar, Kolaj is the magazine for you. READ MORE |
MAGAZINE Kolaj #19Selections from Olivia Descampe’s “Botanical Catwalk” series grace the front and back cover of Kolaj #19 . Descampe’s collages are minimal, containing only a few fragments, but they manage to forge powerful images and narratives using the simplest juxtapositions. A portfolio of Descampe’s collage appears in the issue. READ MORE |
MAGAZINE Kolaj #18A detail of Michael Tunk’s Tigress graces the front of Kolaj #18. Faltage 33 by Collage N is on the back cover. In his editorial, Kolaj Editor Ric Kasini Kadour writes: “The sense of community surrounding collage is a source of strength. And now, more than ever, we need to acknowledge that and welcome others into this beautiful collective.” READ MORE |
MAGAZINE Kolaj #17"One of the things that makes collage, as practiced today, uniquely modernist is the fact that a collage always references itself….The modernist painter used bad brush strokes, a poorly drawn faces, and awkward trees to remind the viewer that they are looking at a painting, to ask the viewer to contemplate the artifice of the discipline, of the medium, and to delve into the ideas, feelings, and experience behind it….By its nature, collage has always done this." from Kolaj #17 Editorial. READ MORE |
MAGAZINE Kolaj #16"I am not advocating for political art, for sentimental brow beating, or loose propaganda. I am suggesting that artists take a page from the CIA playbook and wield the soft power of art. I am suggesting that artists understand their innate ability to teach, through their work, empathy, emotional intelligence, and how to see the world differently than it appears." from Kolaj #16 Editorial: “The Soft Power of Art” by Ric Kasini Kadour. READ MORE |
MAGAZINE Kolaj #15On the cover is a collage by New Orleans artist Michael Pajon, who is profiled in the issue. Stephen M. Specht explores legal issues related to appropriated materials in collage art. Rachel Jones reports on feminist collage at the Women’s Center for Creative Work in Los Angeles. We review one of the largest self-published collage collections by a single artist. Claudia Eve Beauchesne interviews Stephen Zerbe about his food collages. Catherine G. Wagley remembers Hannelore Baron. We review Julie Doucet's new book and explain why “Sister Chevrolet! Oh No knit ntique Ntters” is not a typo and, in fact, part of a brilliant collaged comic. And much, much more. READ MORE |
MAGAZINE Kolaj #14Nancy Goodman Lawrence, whose artist portfolio appears in the issue describes collage making. “I place shapes into grids, playing with space, weaving movement with stillness, flatness with depth, paint with graphite and collage, light with dark, playfulness with seriousness. I entertain myself with discovering the possibilities.” Kolaj #14 explores the problem of taxonomy, the joys of minimalism, the peacefulness of painterly collage; détournement as discourse; collage exhibitions, ‘zines, and books. There’s a new exhibition in print, news and notes with the latest news from the world of collage; artist portfolios; and much much more. Discover the possibilities! READ MORE |
MAGAZINE Kolaj #13At the start of our 4th year, Kolaj #13 has a new look and feel. The issue features a first person account of the founding of the International Museum of Collage, Assemblage, and Construction; an article about why a collage should win this year’s RBC Canadian Painting Competition; a profile of an 98-year old collage artist from Portland, Oregon; and reviews of exhibitions in Montreal, New York, Houston, Washington, DC, and Burlington, Vermont. There’s a new exhibition in print, news and notes with the latest news from the world of collage; artist portfolios; and much much more. READ MORE |
MAGAZINE Kolaj #12"At its best, when collage is mystical and entertaining and revolutionary, it gives us new ways of seeing the world, new paths for the imagination to travel, and new ways of making art." Kolaj #12 features articles about urban landscape as an act of collage; Polish artist Justyna Kabala and her use of collage as a technique; an interview with cover artist Kareem Rizk; reviews of recently released collage books, ‘zines, and artist catalogues; news and notes with the latest news from the world of collage; artist portfolios; and much much more. READ MORE |
MAGAZINE Kolaj #11On the cover is Montreal artist David Elliott’s Two Buddhas. “Medium & Genre” is the theme of the issue's editorial. In News & Notes, we remember Martin Copertari, who died in late 2014. Allan Bealy launches his collage alphabet, Z2A. Nancy Bernardo deconstructs Brad Pitt. Two American collage associations, the National Collage Society and Collage Writers of America, have their annual, juried shows. Articles: “Cubism: The Leonard A. Lauder Collection”; “One Plus One Became Three”; “Junked Art” by Liz Cohn; “Daily Operation”. Kevin Sampsell gives his first-hand account, “My Rookie Season in Collage”. The Exhibition In Print looks at how collage uses Broken Bodies. Luigi Galimberti Faussone reviews Anselm Kiefer’s monumental collages. Artist portfolios from Burlington, Vermont; Montreal, Quebec; San Francisco, California; and Edmonds, Washington. And as always, a new Cut-Out Page and Artist Directory. READ MORE |
MAGAZINE Kolaj #10On the cover is United X by Marla Panko. At this moment of contemporary art, we thought this was the perfect metaphor for how we see collage. | Art critic and historian Daniel Kany surveys collage in Maine. | Catherine G. Wagley profiles the hardworking Los Angeles artist Len Davis. | Luigi Galimberti Faussone interviews Chinese artist Guo Hongwei, who uses collage in video. | Liz Cohn announces the closing of Gallery 6 PDX, a hotbed of collage and assemblage, and gives us her thoughts on the gallery's run. | The Exhibition in Print explores critical ideas about collage. | Ric Kasini Kadour reviews Sebastian Errazuriz's exhibition and Kimberly Musial Datchuk reviews Lily Hinrichsen's altared/altered assemblages at FLYNNDOG. | We have book reviews by Benoit Depelteau and Cory Peeke. | Artist portfolios from Montreal, Quebec; Valladolid, Spain; Toronto, Ontario; Berlin, Germany; and Pacifica, California. & much much more. READ MORE |
MAGAZINE Kolaj #9Julie Doucet is known in Montreal as a prolific comic book artist. Billy Mavreas interviews Doucet and discusses how collage fits into her creative history. | Laura Tringali Holmes reports on the 2014 International Weird Collage Show and round table event in Brooklyn. | Ariane Fairlie profiles Los Angeles collage artist Carlos Ulloa. | Papier 14 in Montreal was once again a hotbed of collage. We present some highlights. | Katherine Horst lives in Manheim, Pennsylvania. We take a look into her studio. | Artist Portfolios from: San Francisco, California; Barcelona, Spain; Le Mans, France; Connecticut; Sol Hashemi, Seattle, Washington. | On the cover: Chinese artist Lin Jin Jin’s My Promise for Your Happiness. Lin’s collage work was presented as part of this year’s Art Basel Hong Kong, which is reviewed by Luigi Galimberti Faussone in this issue. & much much more. READ MORE |
MAGAZINE Kolaj #8Ben West’s gorgeous collage Modified Landscape is on the cover. | Editor Benoit Depelteau reflects on two years of publishing Kolaj. | Award Winning Collage: Daniel Gordon Wins Foam Paul Huf Award 2014 & 2013 Turner Prize Winner Laure Prouvost at the New Museum. | David R. Harper’s “Entre le chien et le loup” is at Ottawa Art Gallery. | Marcus Ratliff’s “Recent Collage” at BigTown Gallery in Vermont. | International Weird Collage Show hits Brooklyn. | Jamie Newton’s Assemblage/Sculpture at Gallery 6 PDX in Portland. | Ariane Fairlie profiles L.A. Collagist Marnie Weber. | Claudia Eve Beauchesne covers collage at the New York Art Fairs. | Graphic designer and collage artist Nancy Bernardo. | “Collages: Gesture & Fragments” at the Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal and interview curator Lesley Johnstone. | New collage-oriented gallery in Montreal’s Mile End neighbourhood. | Organes Variables and their handcrafted artist books. | Daniel Shepherd shows us his studio. | Artist Portfolios from Ben West, London, England | Balint Zsako, New York, New York | Ewan Aparicio, London, England | Glenn Fischer, New York, New York | Joe Castro, Prospect Park, Pennsylvania | As always, there is a new Cut-Out Page. | And much, much more. READ MORE |
MAGAZINE Kolaj #7Editor Benoit Depelteau talks about collage and collaboration. | Recycled Trophies, published by Maison Kasini, is a book of collaborative works by Zach Collins & Aaron Beebe. | Laura Tringali Holmes explains her collaborative Target Practice Project. | The Exquisite Corpse is drawn, quartered, and remembered by W. David Powell. | Nancy Flagg profiles large-scale fabric collage artist Merle Axelrad and the collaboration of commissions. | Ric Kadour explains how it came about. | Gestalten’s The Age of Collage is reviewed by Benoit Depelteau and Siglio’s Bough Down by Karen Green is reviewed by Ariane Fairlie. | Luigi Galimberti Faussone reviews Ludovica Gioscia’s installation at Galleria Mangiabarche. | Elizabeth Hazard reviews Lisa Nilsson’s “Connective Tissue” at Pavel Zoubok Gallery. | We visit Bill Noir’s studio. We take a look at portfolios from Montreal, Quebec, Canada; Zurich, Switzerland; Los Angeles, California, USA; La Rochelle & Lyon, France. | As always, there is a new Cut-Out Page. | And much much more. READ MORE |
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Kolaj #6On the Cover: Lou Beach’s Ring Ring, Too Fat Me (The Japanese Corner) | Editor Benoit Depelteau writes about collage’s role in pop music. | Cory Peeke & Nick “NickFRESH” Puzo interview Winston Smith. | “Collage in the Service of Rebellion or Are We Just In It for the Money?” asks Edvard Derkert. | Laura Tringali Holmes reports on her experience of being in a works-on-paper show. | Burmese artist San Zaw Htway is profiled by Luigi Galimberti Faussone. | Reviews of shows at MOMA and The New Museum. | Bruce Ingram’s studio. | Artist portfolios from Tel Aviv, Israel; Hollywood, California, USA; Antwerp, Belgium; Montreal, Quebec, Canada; United Kingdom. And, as always, there’s a new Cut-Out Page. READ MORE |
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MAGAZINE Kolaj #5Allan Bealy’s Tie is on the cover. This Brooklyn artist is doing interesting things with the insides of product boxes. Editor Benoit Depelteau gives us his thoughts on that line between collage as fine art and craft collage. The issue includes profiles of a NYC street artist who works in collage, a Vermont artist who is collaging with wood, and the supremely awesome Ellen Gallagher. We look at new scholarship on the final years of Kurt Schwitters. The issue includes reviews of the book O! Tricky Cad and Other Jessoterica and exhibitions in Sacramento, California, Winnipeg, Manitoba, and New York City. We take a look at portfolios from Brooklyn, New York; Barcelona, Spain; Goshen, Connecticut; Montreal, Quebec, Canada; and Houston, Texas And, as always, there’s a new Cut-Out Page. READ MORE |
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MAGAZINE Kolaj #4Nadine Boughton’s Ravished is on the cover. | Editor Benoit Depelteau reflects on the magazine’s first year. | Veeranganakumari Solanki profiles the magical realism of Manjunath Kamath. | Cory Peeke tells us all about collage on Tumblr. | Shane De Lange profiles a South African artist. | Paul Bright reports on collage at Volta NY and The Armory Show. | We review the The Collage Workbook, Sojourner Truth Parsons at Katherine Mulherin Contemporary, and Peter Hutchinson at Freight+Volume Gallery. | Nikki Soppelsa shows us her studio. | We take a look at portfolios from Gloucester, Massachusetts; Etampes, France; Laval, Quebec; Austin, Texas; and Ottawa, Ontario. | And, as always, there’s a new Cut-Out Page. READ MORE |
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MAGAZINEKolaj #3On the front cover we feature a work by Jacob Whibley and on the back cover a collage by David King. | Editor Benoit Depelteau explores fragments & ideas in collage. | We relay some news and notes from the Contemporary Jewish Museum in San Francisco; the Photographers’ Gallery in London; Kurt Schwitters at the Tate Britain; the collage artist shortlisted for the Sobey Award; the Thompson Gallery; New Orleans Museum of Art & the Art Gallery of York University. | We take the unusual road to Laura Stanziola’s Uncanny collage speciality shop. | Billy Mavreas explores the fields of textures & plans of resonance of Toronto-based Jacob Whibley. | Cory W. Peeke sits down and talks about the macro and the micro with David King. | Ric Kasini Kadour explores collage’s role in the darker side of Pop Art at the Whitney Museum in New York. | Benoit Depelteau reviews the book, Modern Vintage: Illustration by Martin Dawber. | Paul Bright reviews "Romare Bearden: A Black Odyssey" at Reynolda House Museum of Art in Winston Salem, North Carolina. | Claudia Eve Beauchesne reviews "Faking It: Manipulated Photography Before Photoshop" at The Modern Museum of Art in New York. | We go in the studio with Marian Williams. | Portfolios from collage artists: Manfred Gipper and Hagen Klennert, Berlin, Germany; Joshua Stringer, Salem, Oregon, USA; Chris Foster, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada; Alex Daw, London, England; Gordon Magnin, Los Angeles, California. | and the latest Cut-Out Page. READ MORE |
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MAGAZINEKolaj #2Kolaj editor Benoit Depelteau asks, “Is this collage?” | Ric Kasini Kadour tells how Venezuelan collage artist Alejandro Otero brought modernity to his country. | We investigate collage as process with artist Emmanuel Laflamme. | Billy Mavreas’ “Collage Today & Everyday” explores collage culture. | Cory W. Peeke talks with four collage artists about their love of vintage materials. | Edvard Derkert comments on urban postering as an act of collage. | Ariane Fairlie presents an artist profile of Jessica Korderas, who makes collages in resin. | Müge Akçakoca reviews “Cut & Paste” at Gallery Ilayda in Istanbul, Turkey. | Carolina Chocron shows us her studio. | Portfolios from collage artists in Belgrade, Serbia; Seattle, Washington, USA; Paris, France; Shropshire, England, United Kingdom; Austin, Texas, USA | the latest Cut-Out Page. READ MORE |
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MAGAZINEKolaj #1Let’s Get This Collage Started. Kolaj Editor Benoit Depelteau interviews Boston-based Fred Free. Jp King writes about the disfigurative collage of James Gallagher and Sophie Jodoin. We learn that Liz Cohn is playing with a full deck in Portland, Oregon. Billy Mavreas tells us about Felix Morel’s overwhelming visions. Audrey Smith shows us her studio. Portfolios from collage artists in Hartford, Connecticut; Chicago, Illinois; New York City; Madrid, Spain; Johannesburg, South Africa and much, much more. READ MORE |
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MAGAZINEKolaj Pre-IssueWhy Collage? Why Now? by Editor Benoit Depelteau | Jp King: The Parenting Techniques of the Collage Artist | Aprile Elcich: Life On Paper | Carl David Ruttan: Remake The World | Meaghan Thurston: Collage Artists, Mediaspheres, & Scopo-maniacs | Edvard Derkert: Collage Not Glue | Ric Kasini Kadour: Collage Is the Moment | Artist Portfolios | The Future of Kolaj Magazine | The Cut-Out Page. READ MORE |
About Kolaj MagazineKolaj Magazine is a quarterly, printed, art magazine reviewing and surveying contemporary collage with an international perspective. We are interested in collage as a medium, a genre, a community, and a 21st century art movement. Kolaj is published in Montreal, Quebec by Maison Kasini. Visit Kolaj Magazine online. WEBSITE | ARTIST DIRECTORY | SHOP About Kolaj InstituteThe mission of Kolaj Institute is to support artists, curators, and writers who seek to study, document, & disseminate ideas that deepen our understanding of collage as a medium, a genre, a community, and a 21st century movement. We operate a number of initiatives meant to bring together community, investigate critical issues, and raise collage’s standing in the art world. ABOUT | PROGRAMS | PUBLICATIONS | NEWS | SUPPORT |
Kolaj Magazine. info@kolajmagazine.com Published by Maison Kasini. Copyright © 2022. All Rights Reserved. |